Chapter V

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"Looks like you guys had fun yesterday, huh?" Aunt Emiko asked me and my brother at breakfast

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"Looks like you guys had fun yesterday, huh?" Aunt Emiko asked me and my brother at breakfast. Chiba was smiling brightly the whole morning already, I think he really enjoyed yesterday, even thought he slept half of the time. "Yeah! We did, Lizzy was sooo beautiful and Evan w-.." Chiba started talking about yesterday, but quickly shut up after he realised what he had said. I raised my eyebrow at this. Aunt Emiko chuckled, just patting Chibas head.

"I'm glad" she said, with lot's of kindness in her eyes, but also sadness. She must miss Sarah a lot, and I guess we just kind of distract her so much, that she wouldn't think about her daughter for a limited time. I decided to ask her about it. "Hey auntie? When was the last time you actually saw Sarah..?" She seemed surprised by that question, but smiled nevertheless, thinking for a bit before answering. "Well.. I guess it's been a few weeks already, but why do you ask?" A few weeks!? Okay- I'm not saying you have to see your child every week or something, because, sure others maybe saw there child only once a year. But if you had the opportunity you should use it more often right?

"Ah, no reason.. just curious" I send her a small smile, and excused myself, I still have somewhere to be. I gave Chiba a small kiss on the forehead and grabbed my keys before leaving the house. I wanted to pay a visit at the Café again, since I haven't been there since yesterday- and Ani had been seeing me there everyday since I arrived and she sure is worried! Okay- maybe she is worried. Okay, she probably didn't even notice, but I'm still going to go there. I took out my Skateboard and started skating down the streets of Utah, the wind flowing trough my h/l h/c hair, while I plopped a f/f (favourite favor) lollypop into my mouth.

After I reached the Café, I picked up my Skateboard and entered the Café, immediately hearing the familiar bell ring. The second I entered I saw Ani, chatting with a costumer. He was tall, had dirty blonde hair and was wearing a green hoodie with black spirals on it and a pair of dark blue jeans. Right now there weren't many costumers, but it was 9 am, so it's not that surprising. As soon as Ani spottet mey she waved me over and I made my way towards her and the mysterious stranger. "Hey Y/n! It's nice to see you again, meet Elijah" she said smiling brightly. Was this her boyfriend? Or another one of her admirers-?

"Hello Ani, and Elijah?" I greeted them, making it sound more like a question than a proper greeting. He looked at me, the same way Michael did when we first met - they're all making me feel self counsious - and smirked afterwards. "It's a pleasure to meet you ma'am" he dramatically bowed and took my hand in his, placing a small kiss on my hand. I didn't even think twice and played along, placing my hand over my mouth, facing a giggle. "Oh? How charming of you" I said, giving him a small smile, while taking my hand back and clasping it together with my other hand, giving a really sweet smile. Ani looked at us as if we just told her we're engaged and Elijah suddenly started laughing, I joined him. This was a very interesting meeting.

"No seriously, it's nice to meet you Y/n" he said, and offered a handshake, which I gladly took. "It's nice to meet you as well, Elijah" I said, this time smiling genuely at him. He retracted his hand from mine and smiled as well. "So- is he a friend of yours?" I directed the question more to Ani, than Elijah. She smiled at me, now I see a slight similarity, could they be siblings?? "Oh no, he's my cousin!" She told me, hah! I was right - almost - they are related!

We spent some time, talking and helping Ani with her job. That way I got to know both of them better and I got to say, Elijah was a pretty funny guy and to be honest, he kind of reminded me of Michael in a way- but it's not his personality or looks, it's the way he always had his guard up as if any moment there could jump someone out the window and attack him. I, as a professionall, could surely land a hit on him, but he did good and barely had any openings. Just here and there from time to time while doing something like brewing the coffee or getting some stuff from behind.

"It was very nice to meet you Elijah!" I smiled at him as we all exited the Café. Ani just locked the front door, and her cousin pulled out a small piece of paper. "We should do that again one day, just call me" he told me with a wink, but before I could response Ani came and endet this conversation, for now. "Thanks for today guys! I'll see you tomorrow? Ah, and Y/n, how is your therapie going?" She asked sweetly, damn Ani- you make it sound like I am the one taking those therapie lessons- Elijah looked at me confused and I just let put a sight.

"You make it sound like I need therapie- but, it's going pretty good.. or most of them are already dead :\" I explained, but didn't go any further. Elijah was still confused, but didn't say anything more, probably thinking he just gave his number to someone menatally unstable- hah! I decided to try something, so I made my steps silence almost as if I wasn't there anymore, which he obviously noticed. But Ani didn't, she just kept on rambling about how hard school was, and appereanly someone named Percy just bought a new dog whose name was Harry- I don't know why this is of much importance to her, but meh.

Elijah looked at me confused, and I just smiled sweetly, but with a hint of slyness- what can I say? Confusing people is fun and obviously very interesting. You can study their personality! Most of them react very different and it's entertaining to see a persons reaction to a specific topic which confused them. And obviously my silent walk confused Elijah a lot. "Is something wrong?" I asked him, looking directly at his face, he was sweating a bit.. interesting. "Nope, all good" he said, returning to his careless attitute. These are going to be some very interesting next few years~

 These are going to be some very interesting next few years~

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Apologise- this one's kinda short.

𝓦𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓽𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓼 𝓶𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓴𝔂 - 𝓜𝓲𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓮𝓵 𝓐. Where stories live. Discover now