Chapter VII

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𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕕...

"Ah! You must be the new student" the teacher said, clasping her hands together. I smiled a bit, fully stepping into the classroom, "Indeed I am.." I answered her softly. She had silky, blonde hair, tied up into a small bun and warm honey eyes. "I am Mrs. Summerset, please introduce yourself.." the woman smiled, gesturing to the class. I turned to the students, my smile still present, even tho I felt like just sitting down and ignoring everyone of them. "Hello, my name is Y/N.." I said softly, waving a bit, like the typical shy schoolgirl. This is going to be a pain...

𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 ℙ𝕆𝕍

As the school bell rung, I let out a soft sight, packing my stuff together. I felt someone approaching me, and looked up, to see a brown haired girl coming my way. She had tan skin and big, brown eyes, a warm smile present on her face. "Hello, I am Jill, class president, welcome to out class Y/N" she said, holding out a hand. I took the offer for a handshake, "Thank you Jill" I smiled as well, a soft expression on my face. "Do you want to join me and my friends for lunch?" The brunette asked kindly, obviously hoping for a yes. Thought, I politely declined. My social battery was pretty low right now, and it was only half way trough the day.

After the class president had left, I finished packing up my stuff, throwing my backpack over my shoulder. As I was about to leave, I spotted a boy in the corner of the classroom. I raised an eyebrow at that, but ignored it as I just left, walking over to the cafeteria. Thank god I had an easy time remembering the schools layout, since I had to do that before with a lot more complicated buildings. I found my way to the said destination rather quickly, walking over to the counted to get a place of food. Today it was burger, a food I didn't particulary liked, but I guess it can't be helped. "Here ya go.." the fat man behind the counter handed me my food, smiling. "Thanks.." I replied, taking the tabled before making my way towards an empty table near a big window.

Outside I saw a few students playing game, such as football or kings free.. (It's a pretty funny game- most of you probably don't know it tho). Not paying attention to anything else, I ate my food in silence, before I saw someone placing their food tablet in front of me. "I am so mad at you." The voice said, and when I looked up, I saw Sarah looking at me with an angry glare. "Hey.." I smiled nervously, chuckling a bit, "long time no see?" She looked at me dumbfounded. "Long time no see!? Why didn't you tell me you were coming!" She whined a bit, sitting down across from me. "I wanted to surprise you.." and for the first time of the day, my smile was genue. My cousin chuckled, "That certainly worked.." she answered, taking a bite of her burger. "How's Chiba?", "Ah, pretty good. He made friends with the Afton kids" Sarah chocked on her food. "Chris and Elizabeth?" She asked, looking over to me. I raised an eyebrow at her reaction, "No, I was obviously talking about Michael. Of course.." I picked up my fork, picking a tomato out of the burger, eating the red vegetable/fruit. Sarah laughed, "Haha.."

"I'll see you tomorrow.." I gave my cousin a small hug, waving goodbye. We spend lunch break together, as her friends decided to skip the next period, but she wanted to see me, after hearing I enrolled into this school. "See you, and say hello to Mom for me!" She ran down the hallway, waving at me, before I turned around as well, walking to my class. I had geography next..

~ 𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕤𝕜𝕚𝕡 ~

It was evening, and I just got ready to watch over the Afton kids today. Chiba was standing besides me, already exited to see then again. I had gotten permission from Mrs. Afton to bring Chiba with me. "C'mon!" I smiled softly, opening the door as I took my brothers hand. "I'm so exited!" His smile was bright as he skipped trough the streets. The little boy couldn't wait to see hid New friends again.. it was cute. "Calm yourself a little.." I chuckled as I picked him up. Chiba immediately cuddles himself into me, laughing a little, "I am sorry! I can't help it.." he whispered happily, "I know pumpkin.." he snuggled onto me a bit more, enjoying the warmth I was giving off as my breath was steady and silent..

It didn't take us long to reach the Aftons household and I knocked carefully, still holding onto Chiba as he didn't want to get off. The door opened soon, revealing a teenager with tan skin, fair brown hair and dark blue eyes. It was Michael, I quickly greeted him. "Good evening 'chael" my smile only grew as he growled, but stepped aside to let me in. "Hey.." the male mumbled, as the two smaller kids already ran into the living room where we stood. Elizabeth 'awwed' as she saw Chiba clinging onto me. "He fell asleep?" Chris asked me shyly, and I just shook my head. "He didn't.. He just doesn't want to let go.." I chuckled, brushing a hair strand out of my brothers face. "Just what am I gonna do with you, hm?" I whispered softly, kissing the top of his head. He stirred his forehead, looking up to me with a big smile, "A lot of things!" He answered, now jumping out of my arms.. I watched as he ran over to Eliza and Chris to give them a big hug..

"Aren't they cute?" I turned to Michael with a soft smile as he stayed quiet, just watching the interactions. Our eyes met and he just scoffed a little, walking away upstairs. Such a troublesome boy.. "Don't forget your homework!" I shouted after him, laughing a bit as I heard him cuss at me.. he sure is something..

By ℝ𝕒𝕟𝕕𝟘𝕞_𝟙𝟜

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By ℝ𝕒𝕟𝕕𝟘𝕞_𝟙𝟜

𝓦𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓽𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓼 𝓶𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓴𝔂 - 𝓜𝓲𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓮𝓵 𝓐. Where stories live. Discover now