Chapter IV

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Isn't he pwetty??" Elizabeth asked, after making us half dear with her scream!!? I was currently looking at my poor brother in a plain white dress, with little golden stars at the bottom, as if they are falling down the dress. Chiba was wearing a confused expression on his face and Evan was muffling his laugh with the plush he was holding..

"The most beautiful princess in whole Hurricane!" I sang alighing, picking up Chiba and sitting him down in my lap, while he was burying his head in my chest, trying to hide himself. He was such a tsundere sometimes! "You look beautiful pumpkin.." I whispered into my brothers ear, making him look at me, and after I gave him a nod he stormed off to hide behind Evan, startling the poor boy. Eliza soon joined them, trying to get to Chiba, while I stood up and walked over to Michael.

"So.. I'm Y/n, what about you?" I asked as friendly as I could, trying to ignore the gloomy aura he was giving off. Almost as if he didn't wanna be here. He looked me up and down and - is he checking me out? - then at my face and scoffed. Was something wrong with my clothing? "Michael.." he said, rolling his eyes and walking past me, grinding his shoulder against mine in the progress, but it didn't affect me, not in the slightest.

"Alright 'chael!" I said, in my sweetest voice possible. I wanna piss him off, like really.. and as soon as he heard those word leave my mouth and with the honey sweet voice I used, he abruptly came to an stop, slowly turning around. We looked eyes, his showing anger, confusion and annoyance. Mine, smug, teasingly and innocent. And the very well played innocence in my eyes confused him even more. Eye-reading, it was always my favourite thing to do~
An ordinary person could never hide anything from me, if I had seen their eyes, it was over for them. And he just lost.. still, something tells me there is more and I want to find out.

"Ah! Y/n, Michael, you met already!" Mrs. Afton interrupted our little staring contest, I didn't even notice her entering the room... I should really pay more attention to my surroundings. It seemed like the kids already left to go to dinner. "We did. You have a really sweet son Mrs. Afton!" I told her, glancing at Michael for a short period of time, before turning back to Mrs. Afton.
"Aw dear, just call me Clara. And believe me when I say, that your probably the only person thinking that" Clara added with a small laugh, making Michael scoff and walk into the dinning room.

"I'm sure 'chael and I are going to get along just fine Clara!!" I chuckled, smiling brightly at the woman, who seemed relieved over what I said. It looked like she was worried about him, after all his behavior Isn't the best- and he sure geht's into lot's of trouble. Come to think of, the mask he is wearing does remind me of the one Sarah always wears.. maybe that's why I found it so familiar?? "I'm glad! Now, let's go eat before the food gets cold" the sweet woman in front of me said, taking my hand and leading me towards the dinning room. She really was too nice to people..

At the dinning table, only the kids were talking from time to time and sometimes Clara, asking if we wanted some more drinks or food. It wasn't the most comfortable dinner, and I could feel Michael wasn't too comfortable either, since he's sitting right besides me. Clara made f/f, as if she read my mind and knew it was my favourite! I was enjoying my food, when I looked over to the empty seat, wondering why Mr. Afton wasn't eating with us.

"If it's not to much trouble.. can I ask, why Isn't Mr. Afton here? I can clearly see you prepared a meal for him as well" I asked cautiously, worried I might've hit a weak spot or inapproviate topic. Clara didn't seem to mind, as well as the kids, but Michael clearly was now even more comfortable than before, which had gone unnoticed by everyone else. "Ah, he's working.. he doesn't really have time for sich things. But sometimes he still comes, so I keep on preparing dinner for him.." she answered me casually. I know I have a fvcked up family- but I don't think it's usually like that.

"He works..? He builts animatronics right?" I asked, remembering that I read about him in an article a few days ago. At first when I talked with Clara I didn't think about it, but later on as I remembered they had the same last name I had my suspicions. "He does! Daddy is sooo cool!!!!" Eliza chirped it, still having her mouth full, I looked at Evan and Chiba and found my brother peacefully sleeping while leaning against Evan's shoulder, but Evan didn't seem to mind, so I said nothing. I looked back at my food, but in the glimpse of my eye I saw some blood dropping down Michaels sleeve. My eyes widened for a quick second, but I recovered fast, slowly raising my hand.

"Apologise, could I maybe use the toilet for a second? 'Chael, would you show me the way..??" I asked, first Clara and then slowly turning to Michael. Who seemed surprised, but more annoyed by it, and somewhat relieved to get out of here. "Of course dear! Mike, be so nice and show her the way?" Clara asked her son sweetly, but Michael just rolled his eyes and stood up from his chair, as I did the same. "The food is awesome by the way" I told the woman, before quickly following Michael. We didn't talk and I didn't attempt to start a conversation.

He stopped in front of a plain wodden door, signalising for me to go in, and I did. It was indeed the bathroom, and I started going trough the dressers, trying to find some band aids and some alcohol to desinfekt the wound, because the way his wound was bleeding looked fresh, and he sure didn't have time to properly desinfekt it. I found it rather fast, along with some sissors to cut the band aid in the right shape, since I didn't know what kind of wound he had.

"Roll up your sleeves" I said, as I exited the bathroom with the supplies in my hand. The teenage boy was leaning against the wall in a posture most people would call 'cool'. He looked at me surprised for a second, before realising what I was planning. "The fvck- no" he answered rather quickly, still in a very confused manner. But if he thought he had a choice than he was dead wrong. An infection could be really painful and is nothing you shouldn't take serious.

"Hunny, if you think that was a question than think again. Now c'mon" I walked over and pulled him into the bathroom by his hand, since I didn't know if his wrist or arms or anything was injured. Why pulling him into the bathroom? We don't want anyone seeing the wounds, since he obviously hid it for a reason. I closed the door, and looked at him with an expecting look, and soon he sighed, knowing he won't get out of this and rolled up his sleeve. There was a big scar from his shoulders down to his elbow. Pretty deep, but I've seen worse.

I shook my head, and pulled out the alcohol, to spill it on a hankerchief and desinfekt the wound. I was surprised to see how good Michael endured the pain, even thought he did whince here and there. But I don't blame him, it's not a really comfortable situation.. "How did that happen?" I asked, while putting away the alcohol and get the band aid to wrap around the wound. "None of your buissness pipsquek.." he mumbled, looking away as I looked up to him. I saw him roll his eyes at my actions, and drew the band aid, which was now wrapped around his arm, a little to tight, earning a yelp from Michael.

"Damnit- be careful!" He was about to scold me, but I already stood in the doorway and gave him a quick wink before leaving, to join Clara and the kids at dinner again. Well, that was an rather eventfull night. And in the end I had to carry Chiba home, since he fell asleep on Evan.

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𝓦𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓽𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓼 𝓶𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓴𝔂 - 𝓜𝓲𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓮𝓵 𝓐. Where stories live. Discover now