Chapter VIII

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𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕕

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𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕕... 

"Aren't they cute?" I turned to Michael with a soft smile as he stayed quiet, just watching the interactions. Our eyes met and he just scoffed a little, walking away upstairs. Such a troublesome boy.. "Don't forget your homework!" I shouted after him, laughing a bit as I heard him cuss at me.. he sure is something..

~𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 ℙ𝕆𝕍~

I yawned a little bit, stretching my arms as Elizabeth had her head in my lap, and Chiba was cuddled up against Chris, while they both were sleeping peacefully. All of them were. I just read them a story to fall asleep, and it did work Indeed. I smiled softly, glancing down at them as I out the book aside. Looking up, I spotted Michael standing in the doorframe, a little surprised I hadn't noticed him.. but I guess I was a little tired myself. I smiled softly at the boy, but he just scoffed and turned around again, walking into the kitchen. I shook my head as I looked after him, tilting my head to the side. He was a little confusing to me, but that makes it only more interesting. I gently moved Elizabeth, replacing myself with a pillow, while quietly getting up. I dimmed the lights and left the room, following 'chael into the kitchen.

"Hey~" I greeted him, smiling a little as I prepared some water, boiling it in a kettle. He just acknowledged my existence with a small hum, taking a sip of his drink, whatever it was. "Whatcha doin'?" I asked curiously, and it was more of a whisper, as to not wake the kids in the other room. He looked up at me, a bored expression on his face. "What do you think?" Michael asked in a rather sassy tone. Sure, he was drinking- that's obvious, but.. yeah okay, I was really just trying to start a conversation. He was weird and interesting, I wanted to know why he seemed to attract trouble - from what I've heard-  and my interest as well. "Dancing, definitely.." I smile, sitting down across from him with a cup of f/f (fav flavor) tea. He rolled his eyes, thought I could see the corner of his lips curl into a smaller smile, "Sure.."

I took a sip of my tea, the warm liquid falling down my throat in a welcoming way. The silence overcome us, and we just sat there, staring into nothing as we drank our drinks, while soft snores were heard from the living room. After a while I spoke up, "I should put the kids to bed.." I told him, putting my cup into the sink, taking note to wash it later. He hummed, nodding his head, signalising me that he heard me, before standing up. "I'll be in my room.." Michael mumbled, putting his cup into the sink as well before leaving. I mumbled a soft 'alright' before he did, making my way to the living room. I gently picked up the fragile girl, shifting her into a comfortable position in my arms, before walking upstairs and to her room, laying her down on the silky, light pink bed as I tugged her in. I gave her a soft kiss on the forehead, "Sweet dreams.." I whispered, leaving the room, carefully closing the door, not wanting to make a sound.

I passed Michaels room, hearing complete silence.. so I walked back down, carefully parting the two boys and putting Chris to sleep as well, gently laying him down in his bed. His room had a slightly gloomy aura, but I didn't think much of it as I left on a small light, knowing he had trouble sleeping, so maybe it would help a little. I left the room, walking back to the living room where Chiba sat on the couch tiredly, rubbing his eyes. "Hey pumpkin.." I whisper, sitting by his side, "Did I wake you up?" My little brother tiredly nodded his head, "Yeah.." I chuckled softly, running a hand trough his hair gently, "Sorry baby.. go back to sleep." I kiss his head, and he crawled besides me, resting his head on my lap while I layed mine back, petting his hair. Soft snores were emitting from the sleeping boy in my lap, and I smiled warmly.

I didn't notice I had fallen asleep myself, before a tug on my shirt woke me up. I fluttered my eyes open, raising my head to look down at who it was. Chris was clinching onto his Teddy, looking up at me with tears in his eyes. "What's wrong, bud?" I asked worriedly, while Chiba was still resting his head on my lap, sleeping peacefully. "Nightmares.." he mumbled, looking down to the floor. Mr. and Mrs. Afton weren't back as it seemed, maybe they had gotten into some traffic jam.. "You wanna join us here?" I asked softly, an encouraging smile resting itself on my lips. He nodded his head, hesistantly climbing up the couch, while I opened my arms for him. The small boy snuggled into my other side, and I wrapped my arms around him, rubbing circles on his back to calm him. Soon he fell asleep, his soft snores matching the ones from my brother. I just smiled as they both cuddled me, leaning back into the soft couch again, finding myself a comfortable position. Some sleep could be nice and they're wake me of they're back..

~𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕤𝕜𝕚𝕡~

The next morning I woke up on the couch where I had fallen asleep, covered with a blanket, the boys nowhere in sight. Small rays of light were coming trough the window, and the clock showed 6 am.. didn't they return yesterday? I sat up, still a little tired. "Mornin'.." a faint mumble behind me made me turn my head, and to my surprise I saw Michael walking up to me. "Your aunt already knows your here, Mom didn't want to wake you yesterday. Your brother is still sleeping with Evan.." he explained, seemingly a little bored, but his voice was visibly softer. I nod my head, "Alright, thanks.." he didnt say anything, just sitting down besides me, the warm sun illuminating his face in a calm way. His hair was a little messy and he had small eye bags. He wore a grey shirt and short, black pants. It seemed like he just woke up as well. "My father wants to properly meet you today.." he speaks up after a while. Now that I thought about it, I haven't really met Mr. Afton.. the pair already left when I was gone. "Mhm.." I hummed in response. The silence wasn't uncomfortable, but rather a comforting, warm one..

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