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{1097 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔}

Ophelia and Tanner had fallen asleep on her couch as they held each other. Tanner woke up first, he looked down at the woman in front of him and his heart ached at the tears that had stained her cheeks. How could someone say that to their daughter? She had done nothing wrong and went out of her way to come and visit her in the hospital and she just turned Ophelia away as if she was garbage. He wanted so badly to march into that hospital room and yell at the older woman, but he knew it would only make the situation worse. Tanner thought of many ways on how to cheer up Ophelia, but his mind blanked. They'd already been to the aquarium, she'd been on the podcast, he'd taken her to the nicest restaurant, and they'd laid on the grass star gazing. What else could he do? Maybe Larry had an idea. He wiggled just enough for him to reach his phone without waking her.


Any ideas on how to
cheer someone up?

Me and Nick are
going to an indoor
amusement park later
would you like to join us?

Only if Ophelia can come.

Sure just meet bring
her to the house when
you come to change
nick can drive us

Ight see you in a few

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

After deciding to let Ophelia sleep a bit longer, in fear she would probably not let herself sleep for a while, he had to wake her up. "Lia, wake up." He slightly nudged her gently waking her. She groaned burring her head deeper into his neck. Tanners cheeks turned a deep red at the action and his heart begged him not to move. It begged him not to wake her and to stay in this moment forever, but he knew he had to wake her up. "Lia, c'mon you've got to get up."

"What time is it?" She asked finally waking up and moving her head out of the crook of his neck.

"Half past eleven." He said and she nodded before climbing off of him.
They ate breakfast and Tanner told her about their plans for later. She nodded and they hung out together until two so Ophelia could get ready. Once she was dressed she put an extra pair of more comfortable clothes in tanners car before he drove to his place to get ready. "Why'd you need extra clothes?"

"I don't know. I figured I might need a spare outfit in case of an emergency." She shrugged as she felt his hand find its way to her thigh. Tanner lightly laughed as he nodded and continued driving.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Lia's here!" Nick shouted when he saw her walk in.

"Tanners also here!" Larry shouted when he saw Tanner.

"What are you guys doing?" Lia asked when she saw them standing next to the thermostat.

"Isaac didn't wake up to his alarm again so we're cranking the AC to ice him out."  Lydia laughed before nodding.

"Oh my god, there's a timer." Tanner said. "I think a clouds forming, it's gonna start snowing." Lydia sat down on the couch as Tanner went to change. Larry and nick were filming a bit in the kitchen.

"Every morning, I mentally train myself to not look at any form of genitals or private parts. So by doing that- I'm gonna show you a thing or two, okay." Larry said as he pulled up the internet on the fridge screen. "Who the fuck was watching this?" Larry asked when he saw porn on the screen. Lydia looked over and her eyes widened.

𝑰'𝒎 𝑺𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒆 (𝑩𝒊𝒈𝑻)Where stories live. Discover now