Section 10 (new)

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They are all up in the medical wing recovering. Harry wakes to hear Snape arguing that Lupin needs to be punished for helping Sirius.

Harry gets out of bed and walks over to Snape and Dumbledore. "Sirius didn't betray my parents. Peter Pettigrew did."

Snape frowns. "Delusional."

Dumbeldore nods. "Harry. I understand that you might be feeling..."

"I'm not making it up. I am not delusional. I know what I saw was real. Peter Pettigrew was an animagus who turned himself into a rat and was pretending to be Scabbers this whole time."

Snape frowns and looks at Dumbledore. "Perhaps he has been cursed?"

"Not likely Severus." Albus says.

"It's the truth." Harry says. He could still be around the school so we should look for him."

Snape is not listening. He glances at the beds. "Go back to bed, mister potter, or at least show some concern for your friends."

Harry turns and realizes Draco and Jade were both in the hospital as well. "What happened to them?"

Albus steps forward a bit. "Seems they were both attacked by a werewolf." He sighs. "Partially it was me who was to blame. I thought Remus had more control of himself."

Harry shakes his head. "Remus has had a very bad night. If he had not been so exhausted he never would have hurt us, and he really wouldn't have hurt Sirius." He looks at the beds again.

"Where was jade? I don't remember her being there." He asks

"She was in the forest." Snape says. "No doubt it was part of her nightly run and she just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"Nightly run?" Harry questions.

"Excuse us harry." Albus says walking a bit with Snape and the two return to their previous conversation.

Hermione comes in and looks around panicky. "Ronald." She says.

He groans.

She storms over to him in a sort of you had me worried sick fashion. "You're ok. I heard you had been injured."

"I'm alright." He mumbles. "My rat was a spy for Voldemort though." He says kind of only half awake because of some medicine he had taken for infection. "Lucky Harry was there."

She looked helplessly at harry. "What's he mean?! Is he being rude about my cat again?!"

"No, his rat was actually Peter pettigrew. The few times Sirius broke into the castle this year it wasn't because he was looking for me, it was because he was trying to get Ron's rat." Harry said.

Ron nods a bit then falls asleep as he succumbs to the drowsy medication.

Draco sat up slightly. "Excuse me but you guys are being awfully loud and we are just trying to rest here."

Hermione scowls at Draco. "This is your fault so you shut it!?"

Draco scowls back. "Next time I will let your ginger boy toy be slashed up by ravenous mangy dogs then?!"

Hermione turns to harry.

Harry sighs. "We have a lot to talk about. I just hope Sirius will be alright."

"Not likely." Snape smirks. "They are set to deliver the last kiss Sirius will ever receive."

"Dementors kiss." Hermione frowns.

Snape smirks. "Yup." He strolls away.

Dumbledore lingers near a window by where he had been speaking to snape.

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