Kirstie POV
We were heading towards the Starbucks that Mitch had gone to for his date. I was gripping Avi's arm, unbelievably worried about my best friend. What if he was dead? What if-I stopped myself. I had to think on the bright side. I was shocked out of my thoughts when I saw a staggering figure in the distance, lit up by a street lamp. The figure looked like it was in great pain. I let go of Avi's arm and walked slowly towards the figure. And then, I started sprinting. Why? Because the figure was screaming. And I knew the voice horribly well.
"Mitch! Oh my god, Mitch!" I screamed while I ran towards him. He had collapsed to the ground. I reached him and knelt down next to him. He was in terrible shape. His leg was bent in a way that I was pretty sure was supposed to be physically impossible, he was bleeding, and his pants were on backwards. His pants were on backwards. I fell back as I realized what this meant.
"Oh my god, Mitchie. Oh my god. I am so sorry. I am so, so sorry." I was crying over the unconscious body of my best friend in the world as the rest of the bad came up behind me. Scott picked Mitch up and Avi called 911. I kept crying. Kevin held me close to him, as I sobbed into his chest. My best friend. My best friend. I couldn't believe something like that would happen to him.

When Lives Collide- A Pentatonix/Scomiche Fanfiction
FanfictionRaina Caldsworth is a Pentatonix fan who has never seen their pictures of heard their last names. She is also friends with Kirstie Maldonado and she doesn't know that Kirstie is in Pentatonix. But when Kirstie plans a little surprise for Raina's bir...