Chapter 4

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Ginny snuggled up towards Harry's chest. It had been a week since he had proposed. Currently they were laying in bed, Harry's arms tight around Ginny not wanting to let her go. Ginny brushed his jet black hair away from his eyes with her hands and smiled up at him. Harry opened his bright green eyes and pulled Ginny closer to him and kissed her.

"Morning Ginny" he whispered.

"Morning Harry" Ginny whispered back.

They laid there for another half hour until Ginny decided to get up. After a light breakfast Ginny heard a screech coming from outside. Acacia flew in and Ginny took the letter out of her hand. Ginny opened it to find a letter from Alexis.

Party at ours later to celebrate your engagement! No buts! You're coming no matter what!

Lex x

Alexis had been so excited since Ginny had told her that Harry had proposed. Although she already knew she always got excited when it came to talking about Harry and Ginny. Apparently, she was a Hinny shipper which was Harry and Ginny's ship name according to her. Ginny rolled her eyes. Alexis was always bubbly and sometimes Ginny had to moan.

"Who's it from?" Harry asked as he stood next to Ginny.

"Alexis. She says there's gonna be a party at hers later to celebrate our engagement."

"That should be fun."

"I hope she doesn't go overboard"

"She's excited, just like you should be" Harry said putting his arm around Ginny's waist.

"I am, I'm just not crazy like her" Ginny stated.

"Whatever you say love" Harry held his hands up in innocence

Then a knock sounded at the door. Ginny opened it to find Alexis standing at the door.

"Tell me you haven't been standing outside our house waiting for me to read the letter!"

"Oh thanks, I'm not that bad!" Alexis rolled her eyes.

"Yes you are!"

"Whatever, anyway, me, you, Caitlyn and Hermione are going shopping for this party tonight. No buts Mrs-soon-to-be Potter while the boys are organising something that Jack won't tell me!" Alexis explained.

"Are you sure?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"What's going on?" Harry asked.

"Apparently, I'm going shopping with Alexis, Caitlyn and Hermione for tonight."

"Pick out a good outfit Alexis" Harry grinned.

"Oh I will don't worry" Alexis smiled as she grabbed Ginny's arm and pulled her out the door. Just in time Ginny managed to grab her shoes and she slipped them on. They both then apparated away into town.

A little while later, Ginny, Alexis, Caitlyn and Hermione were in a shop trying on different dresses. Ginny found shopping with family annoying but with friends she could relax.

"I think I've found a nice one" Ginny called out. Alexis, Caitlyn and Hermione came over and stared at the dress that Ginny had chosen. It was bright pink that went up to Ginny's knees.

"Go try it on" Caitlyn said pointing to a changing room. Ginny went inside and tried the dress on.

A minute later she emerged from the changing room.

"Yes yes yes! Buy it" Alexis cried.

"Ok calm down I will" Ginny said.

Ginny got changed back into her normal clothes and bought the dress. Hermione, Caitlyn and Alexis had all chosen a dress too and the four apparated back to Alexis and Jack's house.

Alexis had lead them into the bedroom so the boys didn't see them.

"Merlin, they were too busy play fighting that they didn't even hear or see us." Caitlyn cried.

"They're unbelievable" Hermione agreed.

"I'm glad I'm not a boy" Alexis said.

"What?" Ginny laughed.

"It's true"

The four girls got changed into their outfits and were ready by 6pm. Make up and hair were done as well in that space of time. Hermione had chosen a sunshine yellow dress, Caitlyn had chosen ocean blue while Alexis had gone for bright orange. All four girls looked gorgeous. Ginny grabbed the pair of heels that she was wearing and took one last look at herself in the mirror.

"Are you coming?" The voice of Alexis came from the door.

"Yeah I'll be there in a minute" Ginny said.

"What's wrong?" Alexis asked sitting on the bed next to Ginny.

"Oh nothing"

"Don't play dumb with me."

"Seriously nothing."

"Ok whatever you say." Alexis shrugged.

Ginny made her way down stairs where everyone was. Harry was waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. The look on his face meant that he was in love with the most beautiful girl in the room.

This was going to be a good night.


"I understand" Ginny smiled. Harry had just told her that he will be working late.

"I need to leave now. We've got a really big mission." Harry said.

"Ok see you later." Ginny smiled as she gave him one last kiss before he left. Harry dashed out the door. Those last Death Eaters were going to be found and caught. The engagement party was three days ago. Everyone had been so happy at the moment. Ginny then heard a knock at the door. Ginny got up and went to answer it to find Caitlyn beaming.

"Hey what are you doing here?" Ginny asked. Caitlyn's smile widened.

"I've just had some amazing news" Caitlyn smiled as Ginny let her inside.

"What is it"

"I've been offered a job as a healer at St Mungos!" Caitlyn squealed.

"Caitlyn that's fantastic" Ginny said hugging her. "Have you told Seamus yet?"

"No I'm telling him tonight" Caitlyn replied.

"Telling who tonight?" Alexis asked.

"How did you get into my house?" Ginny asked narrowing her eyes.

"Doesn't matter about that! What's going on?" Alexis ignored Ginny's question.

"I've been offered a job at St Mungos." Caitlyn said.

"Congratulations." Alexis smiled hugging Caitlyn.

"What part in St Mungos would you be working in?" Ginny asked.

"I'll be working as a midwife" Caitlyn answered.

"How exciting" Alexis smiled.

Then there was loud banging at the door. Ginny ran towards the door to immediately answer it. She opened the door to find a stressed Hermione who looked like she had been crying. Her face was a pale pink and tears stained her cheeks.

"Hermione what's happened. What's going on?" Ginny asked.

Hermione shook her head. The panic rose in Ginny's chest.


"Harry's been kidnapped by Death Eaters!"


The Aftermath: Sequel to It Was Always You. A Ginny Weasley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now