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Witches were created in gods image.
They were created to help humanity continue and thrive.
Witches could influence but never control the elements.
Each witch could access a natural element; earth, wind, water and fire, none the same but all equal.

However, few were able to access the naturally beauty of birth and death.
Fertility witches were made to aid and assist in childbirth for women and the child.
Bone witches were made in light to help with the transition one faced from life to death.
The name bone came from the ability these witches had to use bones of the dead to help the recently deceased pass through to the other side, to their desired afterlife, to meet their god or gods.

Witches were never supposed to be selective in who they laid with. Witches were supposed to love and nurture relationships with humans.
The heart cannot be controlled and many witches fell in love with fellow witches.
Through selective evolution new generations of witches were more powerful than previous ones.

All witches could influence their specialty but they could never control or change destiny.
After all, playing with fate was a dangerous game.

Eventually, that power corrupted a fertility witch who lost his wife during childbirth.
Desperate to save her, he; Charles Steffens called upon a demon begging for a way to save his already dead wife. Charles was given magic so strong that he could use to save his wife and keep so long as he freed the demon from its chains. Charles freed the demon from hell and successfully brought his wife back. But not without sacrifice, Charles had to kill an innocent which was a loophole that was not outright mentioned by the demon.

Nature needs balance, his wife was supposed to die and because he brought her back he disturbed it. As a result the magic he once had from nature, the magic he was able to pull from turned on him. He didn't care much because he was now made new of magic from the deal he had made with the demon.

Charles didn't know it at the time but he was the first warlock. Everyone knew of Charles's sin, most were appalled but enough saw how powerful he now was. Enough saw that he was something that had never been before. Enough wanted the power he not only wielded but possessed within himself. Enough wanted their magic to be one with themselves that they summoned a demon and made an exchange.

The exchange was never even, the demon always got more but these past witches who were now warlocks did not care. As they got what they wanted even if it meant turning dark and losing their souls in the process.
they were simply happy with what they had achieved because the power was that great.

As time progressed, witches never died out. The light was always enough that it balanced out the dark.
The truth was, Warlocks were still rooted in light at their cores; it was just hidden. After all, they were made from it even if they had made such a sinister choice.

As a result, as generation's of new warlocks came, forgiveness, choice and ones truer self was ever more important than something you could not control.
New generations of warlocks could not control what their ancestors did but they could control what they did with the power they had within themselves.

Warlocks became balanced in the sense that there were as many good ones as they were bad ones.
Warlocks and witches eventually got to a place where they could live in harmony.
But even with warlocks who had the best intentions their power wasn't truly balanced, it couldn't be.

Their power could never be balanced because it was never supposed to be inside a body.
Accidents happened, jealousy, power, money, all human made things drove warlocks to create a species so unnatural.

It all started with a warlock named Serafina who possessed dark fire magic. Being a warlock or witch of darkness did not necessarily mean you were evil. Just like witches and warlocks who had light magic did not mean they were good. Everything came down to choice and choosing to use your magic or the magic from natural to do good or bad.

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