Chapter 10

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"Take out a pencil and clear off your desk." I try and tell myself that I'm not going to fail my chemistry test but it does nothing for my self-esteem. I still feel like I know nothing and I should of just dipped like Kaylee suggested.

It becomes pretty apparent, almost immediately that my half an hour of studying was not enough and I'm so screwed.

"How did it go?" Kaylee asks me as soon as I walk through the door. "Not great", I say while moving my hair to one side. "No shit. That's why you don't take chem." "Kaylee", I pause, "we're in the same class." Kaylee just yawns, "that's why you ditch chem test day." I momentarily wonder why Kaylee isn't too concerned or concerned at all about the possibility of our teacher seeing her after she ditched his class. I consider asking her but I doubt Kaylee cares much or even thought about that.

We walk down the hall- and to be honest sometimes I forget how much power she wields. People literally move out of her way because she's the queen bee. Which makes me- what the fuck does it make me?

All I know is, because of her I have sway; sway that I shouldn't have. People also stare. That's harder to take in/get used to but when you've always been friends with Kaylee it's kind of just normal now.

The thing is, it hasn't always been this way. Sure, people always admired Kaylee but now she's practically worshipped.
I would hate her if she wasn't my best friend.

We head to Jug's; a shitty but great fast food restaurant. No one knows why it's named Jug's because no one can remember the last two owners let alone the original one.

A long while back I overheard someone say that they're pretty sure no owner was ever named Jug or had the nickname of Jug. Apparently, the guys name was Jon but he wrote his u's likes o's so the painters accidentally wrote JUG's Drive-in instead. Though, that doesn't explain why the n got changed to a g.

Regardless, it's too bad. I couldn't imagine going through all that work to open a restaurant just to get none of the credit. The poor man never got to see his name on the building.

I think the story is credible, because the guy who was telling the story looked pretty old so I believe it.

I order a chocolate milkshake with fries while Trevor orders the same but with a burger. Shawn also gets a burger and fries except he gets a strawberry milkshake. "You got a pink strawberry milkshake? What are you a fag?" By Trevor's reaction you would think Shawn had actually done something. I say nothing because I'm a "cool girl" and us "cool fun girls" don't cause problems or conflict of any kind.

Eventually, I do end up saying something because Trevor won't shut up about Shawn's fucking drink. I can only take hearing someone being called a pussy so many times before it severely pisses me off.

"Relax babe", I hate how he downplays play my reactions. He's always trying to belittle me- wait no, he's not.

I know Trevor doesn't mean it like that, simply because he's not smart enough to be that conniving but it sure as hell feels that way.
I must not be happy and or easygoing enough for him because he grabs my milkshake and makes a show of finishing it off. He makes nosies and moans like he isn't drinking a milkshake.

Shawn laughs so hard he starts to choke on his burger while Kaylee only laughs a little. I can't find it in me to laugh at all.

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