Chapter 18

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I could tell her my thoughts about the world she's so excited for us to accept but there's no point. Just because I can acknowledge that magic is fascinating doesn't mean I'm suddenly okay with what is happening to me and my life. I'm not a supernatural and I never will be. Just like I haven't been given a gift and I don't possess the kind of power that matters. I have the unfortunate burden of seeing the dead and I'm already sick of his women trying to convince me otherwise with her sickening optimism.

"It's overwhelming at first, it is for everyone but once you accept who you are things will turn around." It takes everything in me not to roll my eyes and somehow I mange not to. I'm sure this woman is very powerful but she's also an airhead.

I walk away, I need some distance but I'm called back like a dog. "I can't do this!" I snap overwhelmed with the thought of a new life, one that I didn't ask for and don't want.

"Redford", Adric starts to say but than he looks down once he remembers that we're strangers. "You turn invisible! I see dead people! We are not the same!"

I look to Lightner expecting some optimistic bullshit but for once she surprises me, "you seem to think that you have a choice. Let me make this clear, you don't. The world you know has fallen at your feet. It's a tough pill to swallow but acting like a child does not change what is going to happen. You will be going to Beetle Academy because like it or not you have outgrown the world you know. And more importantly it isn't an option, you both are now seen as a risk to mankind. You will never be accepted back by those who you thought loved you." She looks down for only a moment and than meets my eyes, "it takes an extraordinary person to overcome the fear they have, to love someone after they become a supernatural." I know she's speaking from personally experience, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out that being accepted didn't happen to her.

"Most supernaturals don't realize how lucky they are to have been born as they are", she says quickly like it didn't mean to come out. She doesn't elaborate and neither Adric or I ask.

She turns from us and I briefly wonder if she's going to have a panic attack, cry or do both. I'm satisfied with watching her turn back after only a second and seeing her makeup still perfectly intact. Than again, she seems like the kind of women who even after balling her eyes out doesn't running mascara or a hair out of place.

My eyes land on what she did, or better yet what she made. It's a glowing dark blue oval just a few feet off the ground. "This is how we get to Beetle Academy, Ms. Mason will go first and than Adric will follow." I bet the reason I have to go first is because she thinks I'll run off if I'm left unattended. She's not wrong and a small smile graces my lips at the thought of her being all mad if I tried to run.

If I'm honest with myself I would acknowledge that I'm not going anywhere. I would run if I had anywhere to go but the last thing I need is another lecture from her once she caught me. Than again, the possibility of getting in trouble wouldn't stop me. What's stopping me and Adric from trying to escape is what we all know but won't say.

She hasn't said it but I know she will if I try anything or pitch a another fit. She'll mention the real reason I'm still here. She'll mention the danger I'll put my family in if I try and return home.

I consider a lot of different outcomes, if I walk in. I could end up in outer space, back in time, the future? Maybe the reason I step in is because a large part of me doesn't think it will work. Knowing portals are real and actually taking one are two very different things.

I walk through preparing for the worst and also not too sure if anything will happen at all.

I walk out disappointed that it's over which is concerning because it reinforces that I apparently have no self preservation.

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