Chapter 21

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I find my second class since I missed first period. I end up finding where it is, easy enough which is kind of funny since I couldn't find the office on my own.

It's not all sunshine because it's the middle of the class period which is not ideal. I consider just skipping but I feel like Lightner would be up my ass so I decide to be brave and head right on in.

When I walk in the prof who is a middle aged women stares at me with annoyance. "There she is, not only are you staring late into the semester, but you're late your first day. Off to a great start", she says with sarcasm lacing her voice.

I smile because I can appreciate the use of sarcasm anytime. "I'm sorry", I say in a voice that says I'm so not fucking sorry. "I'm sure you are, just like how I'm sorry I couldn't find the time to prepare you a note package of the notes you're missing for this unit." I smile and so does she. I think she likes that I didn't cower and I kind of like how she's clearly miserable.

"Find a seat Blue", "my name is Red", I say with an eye-roll. "That's nice, together that makes purple." Just as I'm about to take the only open seat I hear my name. I let hope get the best of me because I couldn't really hear the voice so my first thought was that it's Jenny. Nope! It's Adric, he's smiling from ear to ear and I sigh. I move closer to the seat I was going to take but than he calls my name again but this time much louder. I know if I don't sit with him someone is going to beat both our asses for being annoying. And I'm guessing it's going to be our teacher.

I make my way over to him and he smiles, "it's awesome that we have a class together! Did you not hear me calling your name?" I don't reply because I was taught if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all. Plus, I'm working on turning over a new leaf and trying to be a better person, blah, blah, blah.

"Don't feel bad about the notes, she didn't have any for me either which is really too bad. I just really hope we don't get much further behind." I nod, and somewhat try to pretend to care. "Yeah, that would suck", as soon as I say it I know my acting needs work. Adric might be dense or expect the best from people which is worse because he doesn't catch my slip up.

"Also the fact she called you blue wasn't very nice, she should make an effort to learn names." A laugh escapes me, "look how many people are in this class. Plus, all the other classes she teaches; there's no way she can learn all those names."

Adric nods, "you're right. That's very considerate of you and not very of me. I guess I'm just used to my small high school where everyone knew everyone." "Tell me about it", I say well half heartedly trying to listen. I can't help the smile that forms on my face because 'considerate' isn't exactly something most- or really anyone would call me.

The teacher or I guess prof doesn't introduce herself and no one says her name when asking a question or something. I'm grateful she doesn't make a spectacle of the fact she has two new students and I know it's because she couldn't care less. By Adric's displeased expression it's obvious that he was expecting just a little less than a full-blown welcome party.

is Applied Magic and Skill ends up being exactly what I thought it would be. It was explained to me as the class where you practice your, "gift" or in my case cruse. But luckily for me, today we just did theory.

The bell rings and I get up, leaving Adric and he calls out for me to "wait." I sigh as I turn around, "we should stick together." I really examine Adric and it's clear to me sticking with him is not a great idea. Some people are sharks and some people are fish. Adric is like a minnow who leads the sharks and the fish to the other minnows. "Yeah, I'm good." To Adric's defence he doesn't seem to have taken offence probably because he thinks I'm joking. Spoiler alert, I'm not but when I look at him I feel bad. "Okay", I say knowing that this will probably backfire. Adric nods as we walk down the hall together.

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