Chapter 39

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Loki's POV
On my way back to Josephine, I come across my mother. "Take your ladies and go to the safe rooms now!" I order

"Why?" she asks

"Something is coming and I have to get Josephine"

"She is here?" she asks

"Yes. I don't have time for small talk now, mother" I rush

"Loki!" she calls causing me to stop
"Are you alright?" she asks, noticing the exhaustion and fear on my face

"Not really, but Josephine comes first" I start running again.

But before I could get to her, a big spaceship appeared in front of the castle, covering the sun...

Josephine's POV
I am not sure what happened. It was like the sun went out and when I looked out the window a shot of blue light hit the palace.

Now, I am on the ground, trapped under debri from the ceiling. I hear voices and screams from afar. I try to free myself but everything is too heavy. Shit! Shit!


"Loki!" I yell back.

He appears in my view in seconds.
"Are you hurt?" he asks as he tries to figure out how to get me out of there

"I don't feel any pain yet. But I could be in shock. What is happening?" I ask

"A Titan wants to steal an infinity stone from the vault" he answers

"It sounds serious. Shouldn't you be there? And there are more people--"

"I do not care about anyone else more than I care about you" he says and tries to lift the debri.

He groans loudly. The veins on his neck and arms pop out. I push myself out quickly and then he lets it fall.

He grabs my hand and we run. We are going to the safe rooms in the basement, but crossing the hallways, I have never seen so many dead bodies before.

"Fuck" he curses and pulls me back and behind a corner. He takes a few breaths and then turns to me. "Alright, here is what we are going to do. You are going to run without looking back towards room 33. You are going to find my mother there and I will come as soon as this is over"

"No, please. Don't go alone" I stop him

"Everything will be alright" he kisses me quickly and runs to the vaults.

I stay still and I close my eyes.
Focus your energy, gather your rage... Channel it towards your powers...

A minute later, I open my eyes and my hands are successfully lighting green. I run after Loki towards the vaults.

It is not hard to find where he is since the fight causes the majority of the noise. I sneak in the room without being noticed and I get closer.

Thanos takes a step closer to Loki and I am done waiting. For the first time, I manage to make myself fly for a second and I attack him from behind. I get him in the head, knocking him off balance.

Loki doesn't look surprised and jumps into action with me. We shot energy, we throw heavy things, anything quick we could think of. We hit him multiple times without giving him the opportunity to react, because if he does we are both dead.

Using magic, Loki picks up a metal pipe from the floor and directs it to the Titan's chest like a knife. But Thanos manages to break and knock it out of its way.

I fall and groan in pain as a broken piece of the pipe impels itself in my left thigh. Despite the injury, I use the rage to pick up all the broken metal pieces from the floor and throw them at him, like needles.

Loki runs to me "I'll be fine" I reassure him.

We look at Thanos as he touches his bleeding cheek that my last hit caused.
"All that for a drop of blood?" he asks.

He puts his hand into a fist and the the stones in his gauntlet glow.

Loki jumps up "Wait... We can figure this out. I will help you get to Earth and guide you if you leave without more damage. I do have plenty of experience there" he promises as he approaches him, leaving me behind

"If you consider failure experience" Thanos replies

"I consider experience experience".

He takes more steps, and for a moment he looks at me again.

'I love you and you are the light of my life. My heart and every heartbeat will always be yours' I hear his voice in my head.

He looks at Thanos again. "Oh, mighty Thanos... I, Loki, King of Asgard, the rightful King of Jotunheim, God of mischief... do hereby pledge to you my undying fidelity".

Loki bows to him. But Thanos grabs him by the neck and lifts him on the air.

I try to get on my feet again but I fail.
"Please, you don't have to do this, you got what you wanted and the road is open. You can just walk away" I say, holding my bleeding thigh.

Loki looks so scared. I have never seen him so terrified before.

"You... will never be... a God" Loki manages to say.

Shut up! I am trying to save you here!

"Please..." I beg.


"No!" I yell at the top of my lungs

"This is what happens to traitors" Thanos says and drops Loki's body on the ground.

The two stones on his gauntlet glow and he disappears. Then quiet...

I crawl to Loki. He isn't moving. His eyes are open and still. Because when the neck gets crashed all the body goes paralyzed. Respiratory system and everything else stops. So, he is still there but he can't move or show any facial expressions while he is slowly dying by suffocation, trapped within his own body. There us no coming back from that.

Tears roll down my face and my hands shake as I touch him. I close his eyes and I lay my head on his chest. I can hear his heart rate as it is dropping.

"You stupid overprotective... Why did you have to do that?" I cry.

"I love you so much. You are the most important person that has ever came into my life. We didn't have enough time but you had the biggest impact and I am grateful that I met you. You saved me more times than you think. You taught me what love is and showed me that I am worth of it. You made so happy. Thank you for everything. You did so good and I am so proud of you. I love you forever".

His chest is quite now. His heart isn't beating anymore. I beg for another beat but when that doesn't come, I break down.

This can't be it. This can't be the end. It has to be a dream -a nightmare. Please, someone wake me up.

Guards that come in, just kneel at the scene and lower their heads, paying their respects. There must have been about 30 people in the room with us.

Because I cried until there were no tears left. I couldn't say anything, I didn't move from Loki's body, I felt paralyzed.

"Jo..." Thor's voice sends a shock to my body as he kneels down next to me.

"No" I say

"Jo, please, you are bleeding and they need to move him before--"

"I don't care".

"I am sorry for this" he says and picks me up by my waist

"No! Let me go. Let me go!" I scream as he drags me away

"Let me fucking go!" I fight him with no success

"Let. Me. Go!" I cry

"Get your hands off me now!" I yell

"Let me go!" I cry at the top of my lungs

"Please, let me stay with him!" I sob.

~ There's no morning glory,
it was war, it wasn't fair...

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