Chapter 5

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"Did you see that? It was Lord Lucas! I wonder what's going on with him and the lady..." One of the maid's talked,

"He even brought a bouquet!" She added.

"Even if it was for just a moment, I wanted to see you as soon as possible. But it looks like you're not feeling well. I shall visit another time." She mimicked Sir Lucas earlier!

"Stop that! But... where did the young miss go? One of the maids asked.

While the maids were gossiping with each other.

Meanwhile, with the lady.


I took a spoonful bite of ice cream. The creamy taste of chocolate filled my mouth leaving a melting sensation.

"Ice cream is still the best hangover treatment!" It was fantastic, I found out that they invented ice cream at this time!

"Then, why did you bother to drink so much even when you can't handle alcohol?" Chloe interrupted my ice cream moment.

Oh! You are curious about Chloe, right?
She's the maid in the kitchen. She's actually excellent at work and very nice!

"I just forgot since I hadn't had a drink in a while..." I'm just making reasons!

'It's not like I can say that I wasn't used to this body tolerance...'

"So~ Why did Lord Fergus come here? How do you know him?" Chloe asked, Wow! She's one of the marites!

"You're curious about that too, Chloe?"

"Of course! Everyone in the mansion was wondering, you know." Chloe spoke with her eyes sparkling with curiosity


"Well... We met by chance at the ball, and we found out that we had something in common." A business secret!

"Oh my..." She looks excited...

"And... We confirmed our feelings, so I'm sure we'll be good partners if things go well." Business companion!

Chloe nodded in satisfaction at my answers to her curiosity.

"Thank you, that was delicious!" I commented on Chloe's Ice cream.

"I'm honored, Miss." She responded with a smile on her face.

After saying thank you to Chloe for making the Ice cream.

I accidentally found this book called 'How to write contracts for Beginners'

Yes, What you are thinking right now is right!

I need to study how to write contracts.

I locked myself in Adia's room and began to read the book.

Minutes Passed.

Someone knocked on the door. I hastily hid the book I was reading under my pillow and ran to open the door.


Elijah Alfred Knox sat on the sofa with a serious look on his face,

I sat quietly opposite him. I was certain, he heard that Lucas came to the mansion with a bouquet.

Father was the first to break the silence.

"Can we talk?"

"Please speak, Father." I replied, completely uneasy.

"I heard that Lord Lucas came and went. Did he come to see you?" Father asked,

Should I tell father? Well, It's not like I can hide it either... "Yes, that is correct."

The expression of Father, changed a little surprised.

"Can you tell me...what happened?" Elijah Alfred carefully asked the main topic,

What should I say? Though, Lucas came yesterday... I'm still not sure whether the agreement would push through.

"We are... No. I-" I sighed, I must do this!

"I want to cancel my engagement to Lord James." I did it!

Father seemed surprised, "Didn't you like The Duke's son?"

"Uh no- I mean I did... But not anymore." I stuttered,

"I thought it was love, Father. I guess I was wrong... It's merely a childhood sweetheart." I continued,

Father nodded silently at my words.

"I don't like Lord James," I uttered trembling with tears in my eyes.

"I have someone I truly loved,"

"Lord Lucas Fergus is the one I truly held dear, Father." I added,

At Adia's miserable expression, Father looked speechless,

I stared at Father.

He sighed, There was no way he'd let her do what she wanted.

I attempted to think of other methods to convince Father.

Then Elijah Alfred spoke out, "I see. Do as you please."

"Yes, but I wouldn't just give up easily... YES?!"

"Adia, Whatever path you will pick... I will always cheer for your happiness. If you are already determined to choose this path, I'll support you." He smiled sincerely. Father!

My chest felt tight. As I felt his affection and care, my heart thumped.

I couldn't make eye contact with Father, so I bowed my head deeply.

"T-thank you... Father,"

I'm not your real daughter.

A sentence I couldn't let out loud afflicted my heart. Did I fall into this world to prevent the painful fate of these good people?

If I hadn't come here, Adia Knox would have been stabbed to death, and the Knox would have been stolen off their lifelong business with the death of his daughter.

I buried my face in the pillow.

'What will mom and dad do?'

'They must have cried a lot'

Also, My friends... I tried listing the names of my dear friends. It was a little weird to imagine them crying after offering flowers to my funeral. Haha!

What kind of photo was chosen for my memorial? My high school graduation photo? Or a selfie? Pools of question flowed through my mind.

'Can I go back?'

After feeling some much affection from Adia's Father, I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

I felt uneasy to yearn what's not mine.

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