Chapter 6

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'Lucky one?!'
'Who's the lucky lady?'

I put down the newspaper on the round table. I sighed.

I murmured. "Lucky lady..."

"WHAT A JOKE!" I screamed, suddenly I heard someone knock on the door.

"My Lady, the carriage is ready!" one of the maids called out.

"I'll be right there," I responded.

Today I have a plan. Yes, a plan! I hoped this plan would work out well!

Hours passed.

The sound of opening a gigantic portico, a magnificent well-made manor.

As I got off the carriage of mine. I got stunned by the beauty of his mansion.

I finally arrived at a predator's den. Haha!

"The Master is waiting for you inside." A guy... I suppose- he's the butler.

I nodded.

I thought the outside was the most beautiful here, I guess I was wrong.

As I got inside, I instantly admire the beauty of the whole manor. The vintage vibes make it even more pleasant to look at. Ang ganda!

And at last! I finally arrived.

"Master is waiting for your presence." One of the knights uttered, I nodded

And there he is,

Still looking fine as ever!

With his beautiful eyes and his-

"Is there something on my face?"  Gosh, so embarrassing!

I curtsied, "Duke Fergus, May you be-"

"Let's skip the formalities."

Tsk! Rude.

I sat down on a couch. This room was quite nice. The sound of clearing his throat was to be heard.

"How did you know about my mother?" Straight to the point, I see.

I smiled, "I understand that you are very inquisitive right now."

I must take advantage!

"But, you must bear with me... As why I'm talking to you like this-"

"Well, that's because you want to make a deal with me." He said.

Well yah!

"Have you ever thought that the coffin is empty in the first place?"

He was quite surprised by what I said.
"Why do you think so?"  

I innocently smiled, "Because your mother is still alive."

Lucinda Grey Fergus. The only daughter of the Grey's Family. She was loved by her parents and got married to an ugly man, Lucas's Father.

Their marriage life was very great at first... Until the Duke came home with a woman.

What could possibly happen if the two came home together? Yes, what you thinking right now is correct.

That bastard has some nerves to have an affair. Even though Lady Lucinda was hurt she kept it in her heart. The pain.

Oh did I forget to tell you that Lady Lucinda was already pregnant with Lucas?

She was overjoyed knowing that their love beared a lovely fruit.

Months passed, and Lucas step onto the world. Lady Lucinda welcomed him wholeheartedly.

The uninvited woman was furious thinking that Lady Lucinda can steal her position. even though it's not hers in the very first place.

She came up with an evil plan, to kill Lucas's mother. Lady Lucinda.

21st Of June, The Lady was planning to visit her dear parents. At the same time, That evil woman initiated her plans.

Lady Lucinda was ambushed in her carriage at nightfall. A poor lady praying for her life.

The Gods answered her prayers.

A man saved her when she woke up that's the time, She got amnesia. The guy takes good care of her. And eventually, they fell for each other unknowingly.

While on the other side, The duke is mournful for his dear wife. Desurve!

"Are you kidding me?" W-what?

"I tried to go along... But this game you're playing is getting boring." He said, t-this guy!

"It seems my judgment of you was wrong." He trailed off,

"I've wasted my valuable time, there is no deal."


Don't react... He's trying to test me.

I cleared my throat.
"Your mother is still alive, she just got ambushed by-"

"I can't listen to this anymore. Leave. Now." can I sampal him?

It appears to be unbelievable but... How can I tell him when it's the truth!?

Do you think I'm going to back down like this?

"Fine then, I'll take my leave." I stood up.

He was surprised before when I mentioned his mother, so he's lying now. He is just trying to gain the upper hand before the deal.

I have to play it cool.

...but I don't have a lot of options right now.

Since this information... can easily be claimed as conspiracy.

Stop me.

Order me to halt!

Is this really it?

There must be more I can do...

I was about to give up but then,

"Lord Lucas, Something will happen later on the Great Cauis Viaduct at exactly 19:50pm." I'm one of the readers pala!

He was taken aback by my words.

"How unbelievable...yet you cannot be too sure." ye right!

I grinned, "Just wait and see!"

I turned my back on him.

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