Chapter 8

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"Adia, please take care. I'm always here, my daughter." Father spoke with his voice subdued.

I nodded and smiled, "You too, Father."

As I got into the carriage. It was spacious. Wow!

I leaned on the glass coach, I saw Father waving his hands at me.

I waved back.

As the carriage moved forward, I just looked at him and smiled.

Until the carriage drove away, I can't clearly see father anymore.

Take care, father.


"Welcome, Lady Adia. I am the head butler, Grayson Dion. You can call me, Grayson." A middle-aged man welcomed me.

I'm back at this mansion, but this time I will officially live here. Just for exactly 5 months thou

"Nice to meet you, Sir Grayson." I smiled, he nodded with a small grin on his face.

As I step inside the door, Sir Grayson guided me behind the back.

"Your luggage will be unpacked and organized by the maids."

I nodded while taking a view of the manor.

It's a massive opulent place!


Tick Tick Tick

As Alyah lay down on the bed, "That was an enormous home tour. Ugh." She sighed, "Should I just run away?"

"Don't even think about doing that." A voice... Wait WHO?!

I immediately sat down and turned around. There, I saw him sitting gracefully on the chair with a teacup in his right hand, sipping.

"Care to accompany me?"


"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?! H-HOW CAN YOU ENTER IN SOMEONE ELSE'S ROOM WITHOUT PERMISSION?!?" I didn't even notice that I was shouting the whole time!

"Do you need seclusion?" He asked while staring at me.

"Of course!"

"Give that up. Otherwise, you'll just torment yourself waiting for nothing."

This guy... I want to punch him badly!
I surrendered myself and just sat down on the other chair facing him.

I sighed, "What do you want?" A small grin planted on his face. "My fiance just moved into my place. I need to officially welcome you, of course."


I was about to take a sip of the tea,
" you still like my brother?" He stared at me, looking for an answer.

"Not anymore," I answered truthfully, He nodded, I'm not quite sure but I think saw his ears getting flustered... THIS GUY?

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