Chapter 9

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Tea etiquette, dancing, and embroidery.

When I faced these lessons in things that I had never attempted in my entire life...

I panicked.
But luckily, Adia Celeste Knox is a fine woman from a wealthy household.

She's a lady who has been taught both culture and etiquette!

And so my body moved on its own.

"Oh my, you're so talented!" Di mo sure.

"As expected of someone chosen by the Young Lord!" haa...

Now, the only thing left is... studying this place's history.

Hold on...

Aren't I working a little too hard...?
I think so...

I sighed, I stared at the window casement that is left opened. It looks calm outside.

"It's been 2 weeks since I've got here." I stood up, and walked towards the window handrails.

The fresh breeze of the wind swept to my hair, As I stared at the blued sky. I felt at peace.

I went up beside the casement window and sat, "I miss my phone..." I mumbled.

"You miss your... What?" A husky voice was to be heard behind.


"Hello, my dear." He uttered while revealing his dashing smile.

How can he be so sly with every word?
"What brings you here so suddenly?"

He sneakily got something on his back and to my surprise... It's a flower bouquet!

"What's that for?" I uttered while still staring at the bouquet he was holding.

"I heard that my lovely fiance is doing her very best at work." He was about to give me the bouquet but halfway snatch it back.

The heck is wrong with this guy?

"And, I have something to say to you." He stared at me, what's with him?

He hopped in through the casement window, and spoke "There is an occasion tonight, Let's go together."

Eh? Occasion??

He's just staring and waiting for my reply.
I moved my mouth halfway opened and uttered softly, "Well, fine. I have nothing else to do anyway." He nodded.

"And I'll announce our engagement."
Wait what?!

"Hold on-"

"It can't be postponed any longer, Adia." He spoke softly and leaned on the wall facing at my direction.

"Because our engagement ceremony will be next week." He spoke with an authoritative tone.

"You're kidding, right?" He was about to speak but I stole the moment.

"Is that really necessary?" I continued,

He sighed, and talked softly, "It's a must, Adia." He started at me and continued, "You don't like it?" He seriously asked.

I can't possibly decline that, just because I don't want to. Haa...

I looked away from him and uttered "It's fine, I guess." He soundly chuckled. Tsk he's having fun huh, "Good to know." He spoke out.

"Since, it's going to happen either way."  He whispered under his breath.

"What was that?"

He just smiled and shook his head, "It's nothing."


"Anyway, I'll go get ready." I was about to walk away but then he held my arm gently and uttered "No need. I already called someone here to help you." The sound of knocking was to be heard.

"Come in." He said, acknowledging the person behind the door can push the door open.

"Oh my." Someone uttered, and to my terror...

"Nice to meet you, Lady Adia." He spoke with his feminine lady-like voice!
"My name is Nicky Moinre. I'm your fairy godmother who will help you shine at tonight's ball! Please, just call me Nick."

Wow! Cinderella ang peg.

The person beside me, I mean Lucas spoke, "Right, I should also get ready."

Is this a joke?

He swiftly pulled my shoulder gently and made me lean on him. "Nick," He trailed off.

"I'll leave my dear fiance in your expertly proficient hands." - Lucas

"Wait-" - Me

"My pleasure, little lord!" - Nicky

He just started to walked away and was about to close the door but he spoke, "I look forward to seeing the New look of my dear fiance!" this guy!!

"Lucas!" He purposely ignored me and immediately closed the door. I swear to God that I will kill him!

I turned my back and just accepted my fate.

'50 minutes passed'

"Wow."  The quote goes like 'Never judge a book by its cover." and it surely is right!

"My dear, you look absolutely fabulous! And of course, just like me." Says by Nicky Godmother. Haha

End of Chapter 9

Sorry guys! Medyo natagalan ako sa pag ud, malapit na grad namin, tiis tiis nalng po. ❤️❤️❤️

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