Chapter 10

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"You look absolutely gorgeous, just like me haha!" He said, I barely smiled showing that I like his style. To end up with this suffering.

I wore a styled Italian Renaissance Courtesan. Can I even take off this corset? I can't breathe in it.

"Dear, Your future husband is waiting for you behind the door." He teases while pointing to the door.

H-Husband!? Oh right! My pretender engagement with Lucas...

With my hair curled down, Adia looked stunning!

I mean, It's my face now so...

"It's done, My Lady." My maid 'I don't know the name' spoke. I nodded.

I heard someone behind the door knock, it was 3 times.


"It looks... great," He says, he looked away and the slight grin on his face was visible. He smiled.

He wore a tuxedo in the same color as my dress. Basically, it's a pair style.

He and I,

"Thanks... You look great too." I complimented him and smiled.

He held my hand, "Shall we, my dear?" and... kissed it...

"H-hey!" I squeaked as he did that! "There's eyes here, Adia." He whispered.

I looked around us, and He was right!
Many marites staring at us!

This is so embarrassing!

"E-ehem! We shall." I answered hastily.


I can do this. "Are you nervous?" Lucas asked, he was beside me, waiting for my response. "Kinda," I answered along with a slight nod.

"Don't be, I'm here." He says, I followed his gaze, He's staring at me.

I smiled, He gave a smile back to me. He looks cute!

"Are you ready? Duke? And Lady..?" One of the knights spoke, and Lucas corrected him.

"It's my wife, Duchess." He says and emphasized the word 'DUCHESS'. My gosh so embarrassing...

The guy got flustered and immediately lowered his head, "My deepest apology, Duchess." I just wave my hands in the air saying "It's fine." He bowed his head to me and Lucas.

I pinched his waist slightly and whispered, "It's not a big deal, Lucas."  He just started at me and eventually sighed, "Fine," He says.

Both of the knights fixed their composture, and they opened the gigantic door. Where it leads to the aggregate battlefield.

Lucas held my delicate hand, I feel safe.

As we got into the ballroom, It became quiet. Deja vu?

The noble ladies kept their eyes focused on this guy beside me, "You have a lot of fans, huh?" He just chuckled.

Well, I can't blame them though, Conceivably, if he was born in the modern world. He would be a famous model already! Like just imagine with this face.

Oh, let's keep the personality. He's sly.

"Why are you staring at me?" I finally got myself back from delusion. I looked away, "Are you charmed also?" I looked back at his magnificent face and gave a response with a disgusting look. He just laugh!

I was about to argue with him, "Adia!" someone called out, I think I recognized this voice. "Adia." Ah, FATHER!

"Father!" I immediately run to his arms for a hug, "How are you, My lovely daughter?" I broke the hug and smiled. "I'm good, Father."

I feel the presence of Lucas behind me, I step aside and let them greet each other.

Father glanced at Lucas, Lucas did a neck bow on Father. "Greetings, Lord Knox." Father acknowledged him and nodded. "Greetings to you too, Lord Fergus."

I don't know if my eyes are tricking me but Lucas seems to be uneasy from my Father. Whatever.

"My daughter, I will have a chat with your dear FIANCE," Father spoke, along with his devilish smile. I glanced at Lucas, I saw him being nervous.

"Y-Yes, Adia. I'll have a chat with your F-Father." He says with his voice nervously. Haha desurv!

"Of course! Go ahead. Have fun the two of you!" I flashed a beamed, Innocently. Along with a nod. Kaya mo yan!


It's been 2 hours already. And I'm bored. I don't even know anyone here. Let alone making friends! I'm kinda introverted in my past life y know.

I looked around the ballroom, they are many humans. I mean 'characters.' I'm the only human here. Am I thou? Forget it.

While thinking, I didn't realize that I had gone to a different area. As I looked around, I think I'd been here before...

Yes! The Stalking Plan! Omg, I just found out that I used to be a creep. I'll never do that again.


I absolutely love that word! I used to think that it defined me. Quiet and Calm.

It was nearly midnight, and the night sky was picturesque. The moon, a glowing yellowy white, loomed large.
They surrounded the magnificent garden with an ethereal glow.

I want stay alone-

"Hello, Little Lady." Someone spoke behind me, As I turned around. I saw him.

He had the kind of face that stopped you in your tracks. I guess he must get used to that, He had light brown hair. A dovish nose. With a perfect pink lip color, and he's tall. He's perfect!

Wait I think... I've read this description somewhere.

"My Lady? Are you alright?" He asked worriedly with his captivating voice. He was about to take a step forward but a voice interrupted his attempt.

"I'm fine-"


I turned around, I saw Lucas. For a second, I saw him mad. Maybe it's my eyes that have a problem.

He snaked his one arm to my waist. I looked at him abruptly, and the mad face vanished, it turn immediately into a signature soft smile of his.

"Do you have a problem with my Wife, Your Highness?" Lucas uttered.


He just smiled. What the actual freak did I get into this mess?

End of Chapter 10

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