Chapter 4

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"Miss, Wake up." Agh... Who is it...?
Ah! Mona!

"Miss." Okay, I give up!

I woke up from my maid's voice, Mona.

I felt like I caught a slight fever because of my hangover.

Even when I tried lifting my ponderous head, it kept dropping down completely, and my eyelids were so heavy.

'My head hurts.'

I wanted to sleep more, but the sound of the constant knocking interrupted my peaceful sleep.

"Mona, let me sleep a little more."

"My lady, Get up. The guest is here."

"What kind of guest-"

"It’s Lord Fergus." That hateful guy?

"I don’t feel well. Tell him to come back again." Tsk! Let him be!

"My lady, It's Sir Lucas." I buried my face in the pillow, and-

"Wait, what?"

"Sir Lucas Fergus is here, My lady."

I immediately stood up. "Why would he-"

Oh... 'I did it yesterday'

Like a cheetah, I ran into the bathroom.
My body was weaker to liquor than normal people, so the hangover was particularly bad.

"Miss, raise your hands."

I gently raised my arms up, Mona took off my Black Lace Chemise Slip Dress and put on a corset and Mantua Beige Dress. I entrusted my body to the hands of Mona.

Even if he’s the son of a duke, he wouldn’t do anything destructive to me in my own house... right?

My intention was very clear, to go straight to the point.

I'll tell him that I knew his secret, and that we should cooperate with each other since I needed to get rid of his brother. My fiance.

"But Mona, can I take off the corset?"


Mona had already made up her mind.

'Ah, I feel really sick.'
Even when I murmured, Mona didn’t give attention to it.

Eventually, Adia, who was, unfortunately wearing a corset went outside the room.

The butler glanced at me like he had a lot to ask. Don't ask me sir, I don't even know either. haha!

"Lord Fergus is in the drawing room."

He looked like he had overcome the temptation to shoot her with questions. I personally admire the butler’s self-control.

As I went downstairs, the maids had gathered in front of the drawing room to watch Lucas. They gossiped as they peeked at Lucas through the tiny gap by the door, but they jumped out and squeaked as soon as they saw Adia.

"My lady!" They said it together.

'Agh, my head.'

Their voices rang to my ears in high pitched. These freaking hangover!

"Yes, I know." I smiled at them and walked into the drawing room.

Holding a bouquet of Daisies, Lucas stood in the center of the drawing room. When he noticed Adia coming in, he glanced behind me before focusing his golden hazel eyes on me, his gaze sweeping from my head to toes.

As I touched my belly, feeling nauseous, Lucas smiled at me like a cute puppy. Wait, what?

"Lady Knox, I’m glad you got home safe yesterday."

"It’s all thanks to Sir Lucas."

Unlike yesterday when it seemed like he could kill a person with his demise gaze, he was back as a charming gentleman.

"Are you unwell? You look pale." He asked.

"N-no, I’m fine. I was just a little surprised."

"I made an excuse because I wanted to see Lady Adia as soon as possible. Please forgive me, My lady." He spoke and did the chivalrous gesture!

"You flatter me." I softly chucked.

Lucas's words composed deliberation and proper manners. The man who had talked to her with such a cold expression yesterday seemed like an imagination.

He grabbed my hand gently and led me to the sofa where we could talk comfortably.

I was about to opened my mouth to suggest we move to my room or to Adia father’s study since there were a lot of gazes in the drawing room.

"Sir Lucas…"

He made eye contact with me. I looked at him with a determined face but couldn’t continue talking.


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