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Suddenly it hit me..

"Ligera!" I shouted, as I shined a light into their face.

"Ugh!" they cried as the spell fell upon their face, the vines began to retract themselves as the mysterious voice fell to the ground. "How dare you!" the mysterious voice said as they revealed themself, stepping into the light. "Who are you, and why are you here?" the voice said, though now it was perfectly clear who they were, they were the Querida de Vida.

"I am Prince Calub of Sol! We are here to get back to our kingdom, and save it from Merella de Muerte!" Prince Calub said as stepped forward toward the guardian of the forest.

"You are not here to harm the forest?"

"No of course not!" I said as I recovered from almost being strangled to death,

"Do you swear on all you hold dear that you will not harm this sacred forest or those that live within it." Querida called out to us as she lifted herself up with her own vines.

"No, we just need to retrieve my sister in arms and then we will leave." I said as I walked toward her.

"I beg your pardon but did you say the name Merella?" the Querida said as they willed themself back down to the ground.

"Yes...why?" Prince Calub said as he joined me and the Querida.

"She used to live here, a long, long time ago, she believed she was the only one worthy of magic. Some are chosen for magic, some have to work for it. She believes that those who were chosen, were merely chosen to be obstacles for those who had to work for their magic. She attempted to kill me and my brothers when we first came here." teh Querida said as she held her head down, "I will take you to Lavanda." and with that a new doorway appeared in the cave. "Brothers, please bring out our guest."

Just then two boys with the same pale skin as the Querida and the same jet black hair and narrow eyes came out from the new room, with Val beside them, luckily she still had her helmet on.


"Azul!!" she said to me back as she ran up to me, "What are you doing here?"

"I came to rescue your lame butt!"

"Jazmine, we have a problem." the shorter brother said as he laid his hand on his sibling's shoulder.

"I know Benito" the Querida said back to their brother. "Protectors of Sol, I would like you to meet my brothers. Benito and Qadir. They help me protect the forest. I will make sure you make it through safely to defend your kingdom, and I am very sorry about revealing certain things Azul."

"It's ok, we'll ignore it." I said as we began to walk out of the cave.

"I wish you the best of luck!" the Querida called out to us as we continued our journey through the forest.

"It's getting dark, we should set up camp." Val said as she laid down her bag.

"Agreed" said Prince Calub as he sat on the floor. "There were way too many close calls in that stupid cave."

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