"We're in the library..." Jen said looking around at hundreds of books scattered on the floor. "What do you think she was looking for?" Jen said as she touched her hand to one of the now empty bookshelves

"What makes you think she was looking for something?" Prince Calub said as he went over to Jen.

"Because she pulled all the books out of the shelves.....Lavanda!!"Jen realized as we raced over to the private study where we often hung out to escape the reality of our lives.

"No, no, no, no, no!!" I said over and over again as I climbed onto the desk and began to tear books off of the shelves to reveal a hidden compartment, as I opened it me and Azul stood in complete horror as we saw it was empty. We were paralyzed in shock as I slowly turned around and attempted to form the words.

"S-She has them, all of them. And our spare spellbook too." I said as I hopped down from the desk, "Every single one is gone." I said to Azul

"What's gone?" Prince Calub asked as he stood there rather confused.

"The princesses were doing us a favor, they let us hide all of our books in here. Magic history, different types of magic, spells, potion recipes, everything!" Jen said as she turned to Prince Calub.

"What could she have wanted in there? Information?" Prince Calub said as turned toward Jen.

"Azul, Magical History, 1948, page 185." I said to Jen as I hoped she would remember.

"Oh my god, she wants to look for the gem!!" Jen shouted back at me as the realization hit her like an asteroid.

"Hola ninas!!" we heard from behind us. We turned around to see Merella at the opposite side of the room. "Yes, I do want to find that gem, and I was hoping that you would help me." she said as she creeped closer to us. Her black dress gliding on the ground.

"Why would we ever help you?" I said as I spelled my whip into my hands

"You had to work for your magic!!! Just like me!! Others are given it for doing nothing!!!" Merella screamed at the top of her lungs

"WRONG!! Those people earned it, in their own way. They were chosen!!" Jen shouted as she spelled her sword into her hands pointing toward Merella

"They were wrongfully chosen. They did nothing to earn it. I know that you two did so much!! You earned the right to wield magic while other did nothing!!! I suffered for this opportunity while other got it by just walking around their own homes!! I have paid a great debt to earn this power!!" Merella said as she wielded a small shadow bird in her hand. "Yet when I presented my ability to my people I was banished!! So I began to seek my own kingdom, when I saw how you two earned your magic, yet were cast away like nothing I saw an opportunity!!" she said as she came closer.

We were so focused on Merella we hadn't noticed that Calub was now tied up in shadowy ropes.

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