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Missed me? Bet ya did. Well, since I am now BACK, i would like to rant politely about some stuff for all of you!

Jokes, it's not gonna be polite, but since I'm English, it's gonna sound damn hella clever! Ok, so let's get back to this!

Here are some questions i have got.....

*drum roll*

Which books do you hate?

I hate cliché books, morbid books and books that are predictable.

Do you like "the big booty trend"?

Actually, i think its a bit, ummm, how should i say this... Koo Koo...

I think its a bit sexual for me, so ill just stick with Emma Watson for now...

I mean, why do some boys go crazy over a layer of fat protecting your spine, i mean, jeezzzzz.

Are you good at PE?

It depends which subject in PE, as im quite flexible but rubbish and running sports.

Are you mad about any program thst has been cancelled of TV?

Well, i havent really watvhed TV so much but i do have a TV show that they completely ruined. I stopped watching it for a while, like when i was 5, and then i found online that... Dora The Explorer changed.... thats right, amigos, its not Dora the Explorer anymore, its DORA AND FRIENDS. Nickelodeon, i well never let you live this down.

Why do cliché s annoy you so much?

Because they are so predictable and fake, but i cant lie, sometimes they are kinda funny.

Have you had anyone make fun of you because you are Jewish?

Yes, quite alot but once some boys were walking past me pretending to sneeze saying Ah Jew, Ahh Jew, so i said to them, Bless Jew! It was awesome....

I love u

Awwh i love the letter U also!


Where do you live?

I live somewhere over the rainbow.c Thats right, im a unicorn.

Are you horny?



About 10000000000 people sent me this, and i will finally give all of you my answer...


AND THATS IT! Hope you enjoyed reading and....

Your Welcome.

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