▪︎Kitchen into Bakery Shop▪︎

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We rushed to the kitchen and Basant was right. The whole dining table is filled with baked foods.

Chocolate chip cookies
Red Velvet cookies
Vanila cookies

Red velvet pastries
Butterscotch pastries
Chocolate pastries
Vanila pastries

Chocolate cupcake
Vanila cupcakes

4 types of brownies
3 types of cake poppers

Does she owns a bakery shop as well? She did all this in mere 3 hours. Now she is doing her last masterpiece I guess. Hazelnut Chocolate Cake. We all stood there for more 5 minutes and she completed it infront of us. I love the way she was doing that. Her hands were like they are dancing on the cake to give a proper design.

Now she looked at us and while rubbing her forehead she spoke "Sorry! I over did it"

Now Basant face palmed himself and spoke "This is Mallika. Whenever she thinks, she do baking or gardening and in this we either gets pastries or plants. If she overjoyed then Singing and dancing in this ofcourse we enjoy but if she is venting in anger then a broken house."

As Mallika was feeling embarrassed Dadi took a Chocolate cupcake and spoke "I know you are not thinking about marriage but you did a ritual, A new wedded girl needs to cook something sweet and you did that."

Then Sid came infront and took his favorite vanila pastry and after having a bite he spoke "Bhabi you are the best! It tastes amazing. I just love it." Then he bite his tongue a little and mutted a quick "Sorry!"

Mallika spoke "I know we all cannot finish this but we can atleast have some?" Everyone is happy that she looked normal and good. We took our sit and started having.

I took my favorite Red Velvet Pastry and Red Velvet Cookies. I gave a bite and yes they are just yummy!!! I saw that Mallika is standing and looking towards everyone while everyone was praising her. I asked "Mallika" Shit! I asked her "I can address you as Mallika right?" She nodded her head then I asked "come and have something" she took Hazelnut Chocolate Cake and took sit beside me and started eating like a small baby.

Monika informed us "Hazelnut Chocolate Cake is her favorite." We all nodded. After sometime half of the baked items got finished. As it was made up of milk so we gave cookies to our family's 3 little soul that is Chickoo, Ron and Abby. They were enjoying the cookies and by there expression we all understood that they loved the cookies alot. Abby and Ron are a little shy one but not the naughtiest Chickoo. But the thing shocked all of us was that Abby and Ron without any hesitation went towards her and roaming around her. She took a sit on the sofa and all the 3 ganged up and they were licking her. Sid asked "Is bhabhi a magician too? coz Abby and Ron never goes to anyone and here it's very different!!" We all looked at Basant and Monika and by our look they understood and Monika spoke "She has her Romeo and thus she understand every doggo's nature even she is a great doggo lover."

I'm just getting amaze by knowing all talents of Mallika. Ok let me list out :-

1. Baking.
2. Planting.
3. Dancing.
4. Singing.
5. A Doggo lover.
6. Fashion designer.

I'm just speechless and yes she said truth she is the best choice to be my wife!!

While we all were having our food, security guard came and said that someone is there to meet Basant. I asked "Basant did you called anyone?" Basant looked at Abhiskek and then at me and spoke "No everyone is here only. I haven't called anyone." While i was going to say to the guard Mallika spoke "Bhaiya that can be Kinshuk" he must have tracked your phone and reached here!" The Basant said "yaa!! You are right" Basant spoke "Sumedh, ask the guard to let him in if he is Kinshuk Vidya and I guess he is not alone, he is with Shivya Pathani!! If they are then let them in! I nodded and asked guard to do so!

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