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"Well bloody get on with it." Loki cursed, his voice echoing through the grand room as he ran his fingers through his hair. There were few things Loki disliked, one of them being having to spend time with his family, more so his brother considering that now he'd never have to see his his father again. Gently patting Lokis shoulder, Rose looked pointedly at Miss Walters who was yet to open the sealed document sitting in front of her.

"Apologies but I'm just waiting for one more person." She answered, Lokis brows furrowing in confusion as she spoke.

"One more person? What? We're all the old fools ever known." Loki scoffed.

"Loki." Frigga interjected.

"Have I lied?" Loki shrugged.

"Loki." Thor spoke warningly as Loki continued to ramble.

"Unfortunately I cannot begin as there is another name here." Miss Walters cut in, the room falling silent.

"Who's?" Loki ventured.

"Oh apologies for my tardiness." You spoke, sauntering into the room as Loki stiffened, his jaw clenching.

"Oh you've got to be joking." He murmured.

"Thank you Miss Walters" you smiled at the solicitor before turning to Frigga and making your way to her "Frigga" you beamed, kissing each others cheeks before your attention was stolen by Thor standing to his feet with open arms. Practically running, you jumped into his embrace before kissing his cheek, unaware of Lokis glaring. "Thorr." You grinned as he put you down before you finally, finally acknowledged Loki. "Loki" you spoke venomously as if the name burned to recall "and you must be his new bed warmer." You smiled at the woman sitting next to him.

"Excuse me?" Loki spoke for her.

"I'm joking, it's all in jest" you lied, holding your hand out to her "lovely to meet you."

"And you are?" She questioned, looking you up and down.

"No one." Loki answered for you at the same time as you said "his wife. Well, ex wife" you explained "we didn't quite work out, you see, Loki has a little problem in the bedroom department and he just left me completely unsatisfied and then there's the greasy hair and the—"

"Alright that's enough" Loki cut in harshly before quieting his tone "my mothers present y/n and that was one time, only the once."

"Apologies." You smiled curtly before taking your seat for the reading of the Will.

You mainly focused on your new manicure as the Will was read considering you didn't nor were you expecting to hear your name. You assumed anything you would have been left was taken out after the divorce, although, that wouldn't explain why your name was still there. You focused harder on your nails as Lokis apparent girlfriend rubbed his shoulder reassuringly, occasionally pecking his cheek whenever another asset was left to Thor. You kept trying to keep focus on the expensive art decorating your nails but your eyes kept venturing to Loki. You didn't know what to expect considering you hadn't seen him in well over a year but it wasn't this. He looked eerily the same, it hurt even more that he did. Last night you found yourself almost praying that he looked different, maybe shorter hair, maybe his style had changed, maybe he just carried himself differently but no, no, this was the same Loki, the one you fell in love with, the one you married, the one you lost.

"My final asset, being my estate, is to be left to y/n y/l/n." Miss Walters read, instantly catching your attention as your eyes flew up to hers.

"W-what?" Loki questioned, outraged as he stood to his feet before turning towards Frigga and Thor. "Mother? Surely he couldn't have made that Will with sound mind, there must be a way to contest it." He insisted.

"I'm afraid not." Miss Walters answered for Frigga.

"This must be a mistake, she" Loki began, pointing at you "she has no claim to this house or this family for that matter." He continued to argue, mostly to himself as you mouthed a wow before rolling your eyes, trying to hide your own shock. This was the last thing you expected.

After a while, Miss Walters began packing her things to leave whilst you stood and made your way to Frigga who was being very quiet considering everyone else present were all speaking. Pulling up a chair next to her, you reached into your bag.

"I know it's nothing" you began, handing her a velvet box which she took gratefully, recognising the design before you hugged her properly. "but I thought you'd want it." You spoke into her shoulder.

"Thank you dear." She sniffled.

"I am so, so sorry for your loss and I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner."

"You're here now. I've missed you." She answered.

"I've missed you too." You agreed. "And Frigga, I don't plan on selling the estate, don't feel you need to leave you can stay here."

"She's a bitch." Rose chimed in as Loki watched your interaction with Frigga.

"Mhm." He hummed in reply, unable to look away from you.

"Let's go Loki." Rose insisted, standing infront of him and blocking his view of you.

Once everyone had dispersed, you took it upon yourself to venture up to the east wing where you used to be when you were with Loki. You were unsure how it looked now and whether or not it had changed. You walked up the stairs, each step reminding you of a different memory before you turned down the hallway to the east wing. You smiled as you saw your old bedroom door, a little bit of paint scratched off near the top from when you banged a piece of furniture against it when you moved in. You opened the door, eyes scanning the room as you gasped a little, surprised that it practically looked untouched, the ghost of your memories still haunting the place. You stepped inside, fingers running over the dusty dressing table as your eyes continued scanning the room. When they landed on a photo album, you picked it up before taking your seat on the bed and flicking through the pages. Pictures of you and Loki filled each page almost bringing a tear to your eye as you ran your thumb over one of the glossy pieces of paper. You both looked so happy, you don't remember the last time you were happy, truly happy.

You're not sure when you laid down or when your eyes fell closed but the last thing you remembered was sitting on the same bed as you begged Loki not to go, not to leave and the heartbreak and betrayal that followed when he did go. Some memories were better left forgotten.

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