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Walking towards your door, Loki felt a strange wave of anxiety. He wasn't sure why. He wondered if it was because of his interaction with Rose, or the picture he had found or whether the sound of him being referred to as daddy stirred something within him, especially considering he was on his way to you. You. Maybe it was the prospect of seeing you again after his flashback earlier on in the garden that left him feeling out of sorts. He could practically feel it, the feeling of your lips against his. You were both so perfect together, written in the stars as he would usually say but things were different now, tarnished. He licked his lips, the memory of yours against his feeling cold now. When he reached your door, he took a deep breath before knocking it.

"Come in." You called, stepping out of the en-suite, securing your towel around yourself.

Opening the door, Loki had to bite down a gasp at the sight of you stepping out of the bathroom, wet hair dripping onto your shoulders as you looked at him expectantly. His mouth suddenly felt dry as a plethora of memories shrouded him before his cruel mind decided to focus on one.

"What?" You questioned with a small giggle, tightening the towel around you as Loki stood ogling you.

"You look beautiful." He began to smile.

"Stop it" you chuckled "I spent the morning throwing up, you should find me far from beautiful." You grinned, making grabby hands as he stepped towards you.

"Still the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on." He opined, pressing his lips to yours. You tilted your head, kissing him back as you stood on your tiptoes slightly, Lokis hand finding your lower back. You deepened the kiss, body flush against Lokis as his tongue explored your mouth. His hands roamed over your body, fingers unfastening the towel before it fell, pooling around your ankles. He pulled your body closer to his, kisses turning sloppier as his cock hardened.

"What are you gonna do hmm?" You teased, palming his clothed erection "show me how beautiful I am?"

"Oh darling, I'm going to do a lot more than that." He smirked before guiding you towards the bed.

He had hoped to take his time with you, really enjoy you but after your insistent begging, he finally decided to fuck you. You dug your nails into his back as he bottomed out, fucking into you slowly as your eyes fell closed. Gradually he increased his pace, rolling his hips against yours until you were practically screaming his name.

"Yes, yes, yes!" You moaned as Loki continued thrusting into you "fuckk loki, yes daddy." You babbled incoherently.

Hearing the moniker, Loki bared his teeth, moving faster as he chased his release. Fuck, you were beautiful.

"Loki?" You questioned, Loki standing as he looked at you, slightly zoned out.

"Yeah, sorry, here." He offered, clearing his throat as he gestured to the clothes in his hand.

"You're allowed in you know." You spoke, looking at him suspiciously.

Cautiously Loki stepped in further as if the room was protected by some sort of force field. He begged himself to forget the memories that tried to overcome him again as his eyes fitted around the room. It was useless, they grew more vivid. He didn't come here often, the last time was when he sat on the bed and decided to confront the photo album, looking through it slowly as he remembered. Forget it Loki he scolded himself, placing the clothes on the bed when he noticed you take a step towards him.

You looked at the clothes skeptically before you spoke.

"Why are you being so nice all of a sudden?" You queried, you were confused.

"I'm not" Loki stated, squaring his shoulders as he came back to his senses, you ruined things "you can stay, no longer than a few more days and try not to slip on your way out."

"Sir yes sir." You mock saluted, looking into his eyes as he looked at yours before he turned to leave, you calling him back.



"Yes y/n."

"Yes love."

"Thank you."

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For what."

"For this." you smiled, touching your stomach.

"For these." You answered, holding up the clothes.

"Of course." He nodded curtly, trying to forget the haunting memories as he left, walking back to his own room, to Rose.

"Come back to your senses baby, ready to have some fun?" Rose grinned, laying against the bed unclad.

Loki took her in, unable to deny how amorous he felt after the rather raunchy memory of you both. It was wrong, he knew that, but Rose was offering herself and he couldn't exactly knock your door again and fuck you so he undid his belt before stepping towards her. He wouldn't lay with her but he could relieve himself another way.

"Are you going to swallow like a good girl?"

After getting changed into the clothes Loki brought, the bottoms too loose and the top too tight, you made your way out of the room feeling peckish. You walked down the hallway, approaching the stairs before the sight of Rose walking towards you caught your attention. You smiled at her, hoping to escape her.

"You were obviously lying." She called out.


"When you said Loki had a problem in the bedroom department" she explained "he just saw to me properly."

"Nice." You smiled awkwardly, unsure how to react and figuring she was lying considering he was just in your room around ten minutes ago. Whenever Loki used to bed you, you'd be unable to walk after and he certainly took longer than ten minutes, well, apart from that one time.

"It was you, you were the problem." She ranted.

"Okay." You answered, not wanting a confrontation as you walked down the stairs confused by her outburst, a smile replacing your confused expression when you saw Thor walking up.

"Hello pretty, happy you see you're still here." He simpered. Rose stiffened watching the interaction. "She giving you trouble?" He gestured to Rose as he asked you.

"No. Nothing I can't handle." You winked, Thor returning the action before his eyes met Roses. She was still stiff with anger. Seething. She didn't like you, you were ruining things.

Loki washed his hands, drying them before coming back out into the bedroom, eyes settling on the bed, sheets slightly creased. He grimaced as he heard Roses voice, although it was muffled, he knew she was talking to you. He took the picture out of his pocket, finger running over the glossy paper again as he thought about what could have been, what should have been until it hurt. He took a steadying breath, blinking away any traces of sadness before it was all replaced by anger, the sound of his brothers voice ringing in his ears. He pocketed the picture before exiting the room, clearing his throat as he saw Thor talking to Rose. They jumped apart, the sound of Lokis presence startling them.

"Hello baby." Rose smiled, stepping towards Loki.

"Brother." Loki spoke, ignoring Rose as he narrowed his gaze at Thor.

"Loki." Thor answered before excusing himself.

"Dinner, my treat." Loki tried to smile, turning to Rose who watched Thor with an unreadable expression as he departed.

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