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Loki felt his heart begin to race at his fathers unease. It was rare to see Odin like this, reluctant to speak, a solemn look in his eye.

"Son, I have to speak to you." He began, gesturing for the chair that was in front of him. Sitting down, Loki swallowed thickly, worried about what Odin was about to say.

"Yes father." Loki nodded, feigning confidence.

"It's about y/n."

Loki froze, his world spinning at the mention of your name. He had been away from home for just over a week now and he missed you dearly but he had a few things business wise that he wanted to tie up first before the baby came. It was better this way, or so he thought. Hearing your name, his palms grew sweaty, had something happened in his absence? He instantly regretted leaving.

"W-what about her?" Loki asked, his voice breaking slightly, he knew something was wrong.

"She—I don't know how to tell you this." Odin began, taking a deep breath.


"She—" he sniffled causing Lokis lip to begin trembling "she got rid of the baby."

"She—she what?" Loki gasped "Why would you say that?"

"It's true. Loki I'm so sorry." Odin apologised, placing his hand on Lokis shoulder.

"No she wouldn't, she wouldn't" Loki insisted "why wouldn't she speak to me? She—why?" Loki began to cry, he was practically moments away from being reunited with you. Was it his absence that caused you to have a change of heart? "I—I m-must talk with her."

"No Loki, there's something else." Odin warned, Loki stiffening.


"The baby, it wasn't yours."

"W-what?" Loki eked.

"It was—it was—"

"TELL ME!" He demanded.

"Thors" Odin sighed "the baby was, Thors. She found out so she had to get rid of it. She couldn't face the consequences." He explained bluntly.

"No! It can't be. No. No!" Loki exclaimed "I need to find her."

"Son, no."

"I must."

Loki woke up, the feeling of you kissing his neck stirring him awake as his dream fizzled out. His hands found their way to your hips before his eyes opened. He smiled, looking up at you as you straddled him, thighs either side of his waist. Since last night, you had both spent nearly every moment tangled together, hungry for one another. It had felt like so long since you were both like this, civil together, happy, in love. He moved his hands up and down your thighs as you smiled back at him before speaking.

"I've missed this."

"Me too." He answered leaving you relieved, you were worried he'd regret last night, blame the alcohol for his behaviour.

"What were you dreaming about?" You asked him causing his jaw to clench slightly.

"Nothing." He lied.

"But your brow was all furrowed." You chuckled, bouncing above him slightly.

"Nothing that matters right now." He answered, leaning up to kiss you before rolling you over, switching your positions. "Oo I must say, I do prefer you like this."

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