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"Oh fuckk." You moaned, writhing against the bed as Loki wrapped his lips around your clit, sucking gently. Your head fell back against the pillow, practically burrowing down into it as he swirled his tongue over the sensitive bundle of nerves. One of his fingers trailed around your entrance before he slowly pushed inside, your walls gripping the dexterous digit eagerly. He continued sucking your clit, his finger pumping in and out of you as you ground your hips against his face, your pleasure swelling. "J-just like thatt Lokii." You encouraged, Loki adding another finger into your slick centre. You could feel him smiling against you, his ego clearly boosted by your reaction to his touch. The grip of your thighs against his head tightened as you reached your climax, your hands tangling in his hair as you tugged it gently before increasing the pressure as you approached your peak. "I—Loki-I'm cumming." You whimpered, your walls fluttering around Lokis fingers as you came, hips bucking up into the air as you saw stars.

"Enjoying yourself there." Loki spoke, kissing your inner thigh as he glanced up at you still staring at the ceiling, completely blissed out.

"Y-yeah." You answered, looking down at him, his face glistening with your arousal as he licked his bottom lip. "That was amazing." Was all you could muster, your heart rate beginning to slow as you floated back down from your high. "Sorry about the hair." You offered, a small, slightly embarrassed giggle leaving your lips as you remembered how hard you had pulled it in your haze.

"That's quite alright." Loki smirked, still not having brought up how arousing he found it when you pull his hair.

"I'm gonna miss looking at you down there" You chuckled, looking down at Loki still between your legs "soon I'll look down and all I'll see is my stomach."

"Right now it's just a soft bloat." He smiled.

"A soft bloat?" You laughed "what the fuck is a soft bloat?"

"Tiny little bump, little soft bloat like that time we went to the restaurant and you ate the—"

"I'm gonna stop you right there" you interrupted before your stomach made a loud, obnoxious rumbling sound "how fitting."

"It's really loud." Loki snorted.

"Yes, quite loud."

"Very loud." You mumbled to yourself, beginning to wake up from your dream, or rather nightmare considering it was a memory, one you wouldn't mind forgetting. The sound of your stomach rumbling as well as the feeling of emptiness inside and out woke you as you opened your eyes, stretching in the dusty, lonesome bed. You didn't remember falling asleep, only that you were looking through a photo album when you came in. Sitting up at the edge of the bed, you saw the photo album on the bedside table which was strange considering you didn't remember putting it there. "Must've been that tired" you figured, stifling a yawn as you stood up. Glancing at the clock, you saw that it was around 6AM.

You made your way downstairs, careful not to wake anyone as you ventured towards the kitchen. Your plan wasn't to stay or to be a bother but it technically was your house meaning you were sure you'd be allowed the gift of food, besides, you knew the house like the back of your hand including the kitchen considering this did used to be your home so you didn't need to bother any of the staff.

"Morning Thor." You spoke, spotting Thor making a protein shake as you entered the kitchen; it wasn't uncommon for him to be awake so early.

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