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"Your daddy literally paid the airline to stop the flight from taking off. It must've cost him a fortune." You laughed. "Anyways, hurry up, I want to finally be able to lay on my stomach again." You added, looking down at your stomach as you ran your hand over it in a circular motion.

"Are you sure that's all you want to do?" Loki questioned teasingly, walking into the hospital room in scrubs, ready for you to go into labour.

"Loki stop, she can hear." You scolded.

"Well then tell her it's time to come out" he smiled, leaning over the bed to speak to your stomach "come on sweetheart, time to meet your parents."

It seems she did hear, Lokis words having an affect on her because you went into labour about twenty minutes later. Doctors began rushing in, preparing you for the final stages as you looked up at Loki, tears running down your cheeks.

"W-what if something goes wrong?" You questioned, squeezing his hand as your contractions grew closer together.

"It won't, I'm right here." He assured, using his free hand to wipe the sweat beading on your forehead.

"I don't think I can handle losing another child Loki." You sniffled.

"You won't" he spoke, kissing your forehead "I promise."

Within the next hour, you found yourself laying with your back against the headboard, completely exhausted as your eyes fell onto Loki holding the baby. Catching your eye, he placed her in your arms, a tear rolling down his cheek as he watched you hold her.

"My girls." He murmured, blinking away his tears. You looked up at him, fighting away your own tears as he pressed his lips to yours in a gentle kiss. He eased away slowly, his expression changing. "Y/n, I've been waiting for the perfect time to ask and I can't think of one better than right now." He began.

"Loki love, what is it?" You asked, concern evident in your tone before you gasped slightly, Loki kneeling on the floor as he pulled out a small velvet box from his pocket. Who knew scrubs had pockets?

"Y/n, y/l/n, would you do me the honour of becoming my wife, again?" He asked almost nervously as if the answer wasn't obvious. Before you could answer, the baby resting in your arms made a gurgling noise catching you and Lokis attention before she settled back to sleep.

"I think she's in agreement" you smiled "get up off of the floor Loki, of course I'll marry you. I love you so much. Come here." You cheered as quietly as you could, Loki slipping an engagement ring onto your finger before kissing you.

You later fed her before falling asleep, Loki taking her from you and sitting with her, cooing at her. You were woken from your light slumber by a knock on the door. Opening your eyes, you grinned at Thor who was standing at the door with a bouquet of flowers as well as Logan who was now a toddler and also Rose and Lokis son; the same Rose that had tried to kill you and who slept with both Odinsons before giving birth to Lokis child. As soon as it was born, she was ordered to do a pregnancy test and it turned out that it was actually Lokis. After a very expensive custody battle, you and Loki were granted sole custody of him. Despite your grievances with Logan's mother, you still adored him, he was still half Loki. Lokis jaw clenched seeing Thor, mentally cursing him for ruining this moment meanwhile you gestured for Logan to come in and meet his baby sister. They pushed the door open before Loki spoke.

"Get out." He said sternly to Thor once Logan was beside your bed.

"I just wanted—" Thor began.


"Loki, let him say his peace." You interjected. Despite what Thor had done, he was still Lokis brother, the children's uncle. You knew that Loki would eventually forgive him even if it was for his own sanity so it was better to start the process early. Smiling at you, Thor walked further inside, placing the bouquet of flowers on the bedside table before looking down at the baby.

"She's beautiful." He spoke.

"Thanks Thor." You answered.

"I also wanted to say that the sale for the house has been approved." He added.

"Great, so we'll have enough money for another spectacular wedding." You smiled coyly at Loki.

"Oh, you're engaged?" Thor asked.

"Yes." Loki answered curtly as you flashed your engagement ring.

"Congratulations!" Thor beamed.

"Mhm." Loki hummed in response.

"Well um, I better get going, I'll drop Logan back at mothers." Thor excused himself.

"Thank you." You answered tiredly, giving Logan a side hug before they both left. "What's got you all smiley?" You asked Loki, noticing his expression.

"Well other than the fact that I'm currently holding my daughter and you've said yes to my proposal, we're finally done with the house. This really is a new start." He replied.

"Yes" you agreed "time for a new start."

"What do you think Esmé?" Loki spoke softly, looking down at the baby.

"Esmé" you grinned "you liked the name."

"I loved the name." He corrected.

"Logan and Esmé."

Around the time of Esmés first birthday, you found yourself walking down the aisle again. You kept the ceremony small, only inviting a few guests. Luckily Rose stayed away. Once you reached Loki, the tears were already rolling down your cheeks.

"In the name of God, I, Loki take you, y/n to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part. This is my solemn vow." Loki declared, holding your hands.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Surprising you, Lokis arm wrapped around your back as he dipped you, kissing you passionately as everyone cheered. Frigga was holding Esmé, using her hands to clap as Loki brought you back to your feet again.

"I love you." You affirmed against his lips.

The honeymoon, although delayed, meant that you and Loki did eventually make it to Paris. Together.

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