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You stood, a stream of moonlight lighting the room softly as you looked down at the sleeping babe in the crib below you. You heard footsteps approaching you before two hands ran up your arms, squeezing your shoulders gently causing you to smile; the smell of his cologne evading your senses. Turning slightly, you cupped Lokis cheek as you kissed him, grinning against his lips.

"I love you." You murmured, both of you still close before you turned your attention back onto the crib only to feel your heart drop when you realised it was empty. You spun around quickly, gasping at Lokis absence; he was right there. Your eyes scanned the room, your feet carrying you around it as you begin to panic. They were both just there. Your lip started trembling as you worriedly searched for them, your voice falling hoarse as you desperately called their names to no avail. Tears streamed down your face as you continued shouting Lokis name. "Loki! Lokii." You wailed, running now as you encountered a lonesome emptiness; all consuming. You were alone.

"Lo—" you began to call again, gasping as your eyes flew open. Luckily you had managed to bite your tongue, not finishing your sentence as your breaths slowly returned back to normal after your eyes scanned the surroundings. It was just a nightmare, the same nightmare. Your heart rate slowed, your brain realising it wasn't real, none of it as you came back to reality. You couldn't help the tears that brimmed in the corners of your eyes as you thought about the life that was nearly yours, the one that was ripped from you. The tears fell, sobs falling from you as your shoulders shook. Why you?

You splashed your face with cold water, deciding to get up after your cry. The dream, or rather nightmare, reminded you of the picture you had pocketed a couple of days ago. You re entered the bedroom, looking through your pocket as you searched for it only to be left empty handed. You wondered whether it fell, whether Loki had picked it up. Regardless, you wanted it back. You deserved it. You decided you'd ask Loki, there wasn't any harm in that, surely? You made your way towards his room, hoping to be reunited with the picture. The closer you got to it, the more focused the sound emanating from it became. It was shouting. You stepped closer, hoping to hear the interaction only to have your question about the picture answered when Rose yelled.


Your eyes widened as you bit down a smile, trouble in paradise. You wondered whether he picked it up, whether he studied it like you did. You wondered if he remembered when it was taken like you did, the emotions tied to the joyous occasion. You wondered if he regretted leaving, if he ever missed how it was, if he missed you. Strangely you hoped he did, you hoped he hadn't forgotten it all. Before you could dwell anymore, you heard footsteps approaching the door as you jumped away from it. The door opened revealing Rose who stormed out, cutting her eye at you as she passed. She wanted to fight you, but not in front of Loki.

"What?" Loki asked, irked as you stood from outside watching him. Suddenly you didn't want to ask about the picture anymore.

"Nothing—I was— never mind." You dismissed as Loki ran a hand through his hair. You thought about asking if he was alright but decided against it especially after he practically slammed the door in your face. Sighing, you made your way downstairs.

"Hello dear."

You beamed as Frigga walked towards you.

"Hello." You greeted, kissing her cheeks.

"I was just looking for you, did you want anything retrieved from home?" She asked.

"Maybe just a spare change of clothes" you contemplated "I'm not sure how long I'll be here for."

"There are a substantial amount of you clothes in the East wing attic." She answered.

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