2 The Loving Cheaters

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Double update. Chapter 1 updated as well, please go back and read if haven't. Happy New Book! 


My body screams while I push up from the bed. Last night's dancing takes a toll on my muscles, specifically my calves that burn from the movement. I hadn't noticed it before, but the heels took it out of me, my body not used to such activities. As expected my mother told me exactly how she felt about me eating such a caloric thing, her anger burning through my happiness as soon as my butt hit the back seat. My father on the other hand kept a soft smile, trying to seem supportive but all the while confused on what had happened. After Charles dropped us home I'd rushed to my room stripping naked to pass out as quick as I could. The makeup still covers my face, only removed where the tears had streamed down my face. My hairs a mess as well, everything about me useless. My hand slips down my face rubbing out the tiredness, but I'm stopped in my groan by a pearl necklace elegantly laid over my side table. Oh my. It has a small bow on the clip, the note strung off to the side: To you, darling.

"What is this?" I pick up the string of pearls, my eyes rushing over the quality. I've never seen a necklace like this. It's heart stammering valuable. How am I just holding it? Careful draping the necklace through my fingers, I walk it to my bathroom. As soon as my eyes land on my jewelry box, I'm rushing towards it to place the piece somewhere safe. A moment longer and I might've ruined it out of pure fear. Did my mother want to apologize? Is this from my father? I've never... they don't gift things like this. My shower is quick. A new determination to put two and two together about the odd gift. As well as why they entered my room while I was sleeping. The only conclusion I could draw would be an early engagement gift. Tossing on the first sweater dress I could find with the chill of the air taking over, I rush down the stairs.

My mother greets with a tight smile when I come around the corner to the dining room, "Good morning young one. Sleep well?" The puffiness of my eyes is enough to answer her question, but she loves how much she's bent me to her respectful will, "Or not?"

"I slept great. Thanks for asking. Once again mother, I'm sorry for listening to him and trying the steak. I didn't intend to offend our family name and image." I mumble out. I don't mean a single word of it, but it's enough to get a real smile from her while she slides the piece of toast onto my side plate. My dad's plate is stacked tall with eggs, cheese, bacon, and the works. I salivate at the smell. If bacon tastes anything like steak the weight gain might be worth it. I wonder what it's like not to be watched so closely. What does it feel like to do what you want when you want, just making money and living your life?

"Because you're apologetic, today you'll get butter with your toast." She laughs giving me a light layer over the top of my bread. She must be in a stellar mood if the offer was ever on the table, normally that's only a birthday gift, or very special occasion, and "You won't believe what happened this morning, young one."

"Oh?" I take the toast from her taking my sweet time to break it into pieces. She's given me a good size of the loaf. Another odd choice, "Does it have anything to do with the pearl necklace on my night stand?"

"Huh?" She gives me a confused look, I back off before asking anything that might piss her off, "I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about. I'm referencing the marriage proposal that landed on your father's desk this morning!" Ah. That's why I got the butter.

"That is exciting." I grumble nibbling at the edges. My father looks up from his plate with a cat like grin, his brown hair moving with his head like a fluffy sheep, "Yes?"

"It was beyond our expectations. Whatever you did last night won him over and more! Asset liquidation, land titles, even a seat at his table during a merger meeting. He's proposing an engagement of six months, with a contract marriage. Offered to pay every dime of the wedding and honey moon." My father boasts sitting on his side of the table. Another spoonful of eggs enters his mouth with a cheesy grin, my mother dramatically places a hand to her head like she plans to faint.

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