13 Dragon Ball

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I awake a week later dreading the discussion that Nash and I must have about the ball, with only three days till the bears arrive I'm being forced to review all the final checks and balances, murder me. However, I will admit in my distress with the planning that it's been a well needed distraction from the dreams that plague me from killing the humans and wolf that attacked me, "Nash please, can I just take a shower first?" She rushes in with more pallets for flowers that I almost puke at the sight of.

"My lady, please be nice about this. It's not every day the castle gets to host a ball!" She's beyond excited. The kingdom is roaring with joy at the chance to gather and party, especially when there isn't a status limit to who can join in on the festivities (mostly the booze). Nash shoves the colors towards me tapping the tops of each one with her fingers, "You've chosen a more salmon pink for the curtains that hang at sunset, I would recommend this flower for the entryway, however if you're looking for a bold..." I let her drone on practically ignoring her while I think to the medical ward moment Leo, and I had shared. He's been avoiding me since with no indication that he'll be bothering me anytime soon. I blame the medication they had me on for my lapse in judgement, nothing else.

It can't be anything else.

"I agree with you, the original pallet would be a great compliment to the curtains." I mutter out tapping the random flowers I've never seen in my life before this moment, "Great eye, Nash."

The lady in waiting rushes from the room screeching in joy, "I'll be back later to ask about the napkins and dessert choice! And my lady, don't forget to pick party favors from the list. I need to place orders today to have it in on time." Never mind her working for me, I'll promote her to royal event planner if she'll leave me be for a moment. I lift my nail to chew on the ends with nerves. In just three days I'll be ending my first month with Leonardo. Only two months to go before I'm free with as much money as I can spend. But is that what I want? I snatch the thought back before it can grow beyond a random whisp in the brain. I can't allow him to win me over, no, not when he's still hiding things from me, and I've been held back from experiencing the world.

I need to live before I love.

"Your majesty?" A guard knocks on the door, one that looks familiar, "The king has asked for you. May I escort you?" The flowers! He's the man that worked the booth so long ago.

"Damien?" I question watching his brows raise, "You're the gentleman who gave me a flower before the lady ran into me yes? When I still trained at the gym?" I give him a pointed finger making sure to look over his face once more before confirming my own thoughts, "We're you placedto spy on me?"

"My lady..." He seems surprised I remembered. It's not like I purchased flowers often enough to know his name without digging through the muddled memories I have of our short conversations. However, I will give it to him with his tattoos fully exposed and in the casual guard amour he looks... different, "I was only doing what the king ordered." He seems nervous to admit that Leonardo placed him to watch over me, however I knew this flower man for months. Did Leo know I was his and waited? Was I placed on display to be watched until he'd decided it was time to snatch me away?

"I know not to blame you, but that only drives me to ask how long he knew about me before he came to my room." I peek a brow up, Damien shrugged his shoulders deciding not to share the information with me only remarking that 'it's the way of the dragons' before asking me to follow him to Leo. I begrudgingly agree following him with a frown that could rock mountains if it allowed me too.

"The kingdom has heard of your attack, my lady." Damien mumbles in front of me only looking back to see the surprise across my face, "It's an honor to be in your presence. It's not many that can take down a wolf, let alone with a necklace. We are all... more than grateful that you're our queen." I go to correct him on my status, but he shakes his head, "At least while you're here, please allow me to respect you as my queen. To me, you hold a status higher than King Hereward himself."

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