16 Marcus Silva

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The night surrounds us. A beautiful darkness that weaves in and out of the bricks with a heavy hand of care. Not one inch goes untouched, as it was instructed that all the lights be removed from the ceremony area. I look into the sky to see the vast number of stars littered throughout the night, "I've never seen anything like this." I whisper to Leo, who pulls me into his side, a quirky grin coming over his lips.

"I lost my friend, but in this realm, we celebrate their deaths in the most honorable way we know." He motions to the coffin that sits in the middle of the gathering. Beautiful artwork covers it, making it look like each detail was attuned to the couple inside, "We release them back to the sky to forever fly with peaceful winds under their wings." My black hair whips around me in the chill of the night as we approach. The dragons nod in welcome to their king, some even dropping their heads in my direction. The dress that Nash chose is a silver number that hugs my skin; however, it doesn't provide warmth.

I shudder slightly. Leo tugs his suit jacket off to lay over my shoulder, "You'll warm up quick once we start."

"What are we waiting on?" I don't understand why I'll warm up as no one has told me what will happen at this funeral, "What's going on?"

"Here he is." An old man slowly walks down the stairs into the area. Everyone parts for him and then works to drop to their knees. The elderly dragons are assisted down, but none look upset to be doing so. I'm more shocked when Leo lays a hand on my shoulder, bringing me down to the ground with him while the man approaches the coffin, "This is the last remaining member of the Marquis family line, William. He has the honor of releasing them, and we are to respect his standing." His whispers of explanation are helpful, but I have more questions than I deem reasonable to ask.

"Beasts of the skies! We gather to celebrate the lives of Starlight and Chad, two beautiful and resilient dragons we were honored to know!" William raises his hand in the air, to which all the dragons respond by releasing their wings, "We send them wings of peace and power for their endless flights!" Leo's wings beat behind me, sending powering wings toward the couple. It's hard to maintain a straight face as I watch the people come together. While it's typically shunned upon to show your wings, the darkness covers anything you might be able to read off them. It's also notable that no one cares to look. Everyone holds their head high, their respect for the dragons that passed.

"Those without wings typically clap or stomp to the native beat," Leo adds, pointing to a young boy crouched toward the front of the group. He steadily claps his hands with words I can't hear coming from his lips. His toes tap at various intervals, and when he's done with the song, he just starts again, "They know you're unaware of it. They won't take offense."

Isela is close by as well, her eyes drenched with tears that contradict the smile across her cheeks. William waits a certain amount before yelling again, "Let us sing the song of the dragons, then we will let them leave our embrace."

I wait for Leo to speak to me, but he doesn't. His voice takes on a deep baritone to join in song with his people, "Deep in caves we do not wander for the stars to us sing strong. For no battles dragons ponder, no, we battle for our young. Our wings lift high, and our horns break for the love of our fearless mates. Deep in caves, we do not wander..." The deep voices blending with the higher make the song more complex than the words lead it to be, and tears begin to sting my eyes with such vigor that I have trouble seeing right in front of me. In some ways, the music reminds me of what you'd hear from Vikings, but as the wings beat together, their feet stomping on the rock floor of the space... it fits everything I've come to know.

"Deep in caves, we do not wander for the world demands us long!"


I'm in the body from before, Lola sitting on the hut's floor from earlier. Our minds meld together slowly until, once more, her reality becomes my own, "Deep in caves, we do not wander, child." Noni scolds the child, picking her up from the cave entrance. Selena attempted to enter. Domal hides far, far away from the cave, terrified to enter such a place that would keep him from seeing the sky.

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