11 To Battle A Wolf

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Dinner. How lovely is the thought to be on the run from psychotic killers with a dragon king that wants to marry you? And while the weight of the world appears to sit on my shoulders, or the anxiety of it, I hold a tight smile across from the members of parliament. They're an older group, and I can't remember their titles or names, but Leo is staying interested in conversation while I hold my wine glass between my fingers. No thoughts about this conversation are in my mind.

I think about the span of his wings and the way he held me as we flew from the fire. My eyes trail over the tattoos that swirled and glowed so violently I almost had to close my eyes. Even the pure fear that came from him when he jumped to cover me... all it engrained so deeply in my thoughts that I'm almost certain I'm a dead fish at a table of hawks. They're just waiting for the right moment to strike, and here I am... dreaming of him holding me again. Is this love? Is this desire I feel to protect him and shield him some type of false emotion built from the bond? Leo leans over placing his hand on my covered thigh, "My wife enjoys self-defense and combat training, however, she hasn't had the chance to train recently." Wife?

I put on a false smile giving this my all, "We've been busy traveling, and I've chosen to focus on my studies for the time being." I remember that not long ago I was forced to lie through my teeth every single day. It wasn't difficult, it came too easy. Now I sit waiting for their questions, and even more ready to deceive.

"We were just working with your husband to gain support for the upcoming election. Our candidates are well-versed in our policies and needs. While you don't live in Paris, we find that the United Kingdom's relations could be hindered if other parties are put into power. That would limit your business and trade, putting your assets at risk." The man on the left gives me a large smile, almost too big. It seems that Leo isn't budging to help them while I was off in my world of distraction. Now they want to play off me and somehow use his affections to convince him. I've watched my mother and father play this game a hundred times, such amatures.

"I support my husband's decisions, and if I'm honest sir, I came for the lovely meal and company. I'm rather ignorant when it comes to a discussion of politics." Ignorant. I almost snort at my lie. If I was in the captain's seat, I would use the connection to build inter-trade policies with lower tax obligations. A corporation's highest liability is to the tax bill, and with lower taxes jobs will be created putting more of London's homeless to work. Of course, this would all be for the measly backing of the Hereward name that has much influence on the socialites' votes. Leo watches my face and seems to notice something that I don't. I grab the napkin off my lap dapping at the sides of my mouth attempting to find what he's staring at, "Is something the matter, love?" Put on a show. He saved my life, that's the least I can do at this moment. Leo is providing a distraction that's enough to keep me calm. I watch his cheeks flush a light red and turn back to the men.

"She's being humble. I've never met a woman with better ideas for the future of London's, and our companies' relations." Leo! I almost want to strangle him. How in the world is he so freely comfortable to toss me to the bears? Once my mother gave the message that she wasn't any good at politics, my father would gladly swoop in and do the talking. Is he attempting to give me credit? Trusting me so blindly to handle a conversation with these men? I'm almost flattered if the fear of failure didn't swallow me whole the moment he turned unexpected attention on me, "However, I think for tonight we should focus on the company of others, yes? I've explained my requirements for a supportive relationship between us."

"Sir Leonardo, you're asking us to raise the working age and increase the minimum wage per employee. That's an unreasonable ask." The man on the right grovels, "Not only will the younger children be out of work, but the senior management will be out of the bonuses they deserve to support this increase. I beg you to think of something else."

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