4 Unlikely Compromises

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Warning: No one likes a spoiler, if you've read "His Little One" please refrain from spoiling anything. Thanks.

I'm half scared by the time I'm done wandering. Everything is over grand, the décor to the point of disgustingly perfect. It feels expensive just to take in a deep breath, let alone use this as a place of living. I've heard the stories of dragons being hoarders, wealth being everything, but this is on a whole other level and why am I not freaking out about that more?

"Oh! Lady Burton!" A woman catches me off guard, her squeaky voice causing me to turn a one-eighty with my hands ready to fight. She has her palms up and out towards me, an apologetic look coming over her plump features. Her dark, rosy cheeks lift into a warm smile. I'm amazed at the smoothness of her caramel skin, "I'm not here to harm you. His majesty sent me to check on you."

Majesty... holy, "Um. Okay." I don't know what to say. She stands there with the most welcoming features I've ever been approached with. Temptation to cry on her shoulder curls in my insides, but I keep to myself. She's just another player in this game of chess between Leonardo and I, "Well I'm not dead or running so... I would say I'm great."

She giggles covering her mouth, "You're a funny human! We don't have many of you around. It's good to see you in high spirits." And with a clearing of her throat, she becomes a tad more serious, "My name's Tanasha, most call me Nash! I'll be your lady in waiting. Anything you need, want, or have questions on is my job. Our first order of business is to show you around your new home, would you like to join me?"

"I've already looked around for a while, I'm not sure there's much you can show me." I give a sheepish grin; Tanasha rolls her eyes reaching out for my arm. Her skin's covered in the same red tattoos just as much as everyone else I've met. Dragon, "Do you people just grab everyone all the time?" I shrug her off. She looks offended, which was not my intention.

"Dragons are affectionate creatures. Touching one another is a form of trust, I suppose it's been a while since I've spent time around humans." She trails off looking down the hallway then back at me, "We could venture to the seamstress and get your wardrobe started? Would that be enjoyable?"

No. That would not be enjoyable. What would be enjoyable is running far away and pretending this never happened. My stomach is screaming for its normal toast, my stubbornness sending me into a fit of retaliation. How stupid was I to let myself do that? Not only that, but fear remains from my time at home. Every time I passed fruit, or anything edible I shied away as fast as my eyes laid on it. Some part of me believes my mother will burst from the walls with a knife to cut it from my gut before I have a chance to digest it. Extreme yes, unbelieve? Not completely. I've also not had the time to fully process the situation with Dante. I thought he was a much better man, and yet here I am. No wonder he hadn't married. I have no judgement for his personal choices. He can be with as many consensual women as he wants, but that wasn't something I want to be a part of. I'm selfish. Whoever I choose will have to be ready for my possessiveness. A possessiveness that is currently fixated on the King strutting down the hallway like the delicious snack he is, "Look what the cat dragged in."

Nash drops her jaw, then freaks looking between Leonardo and I, "Your majesty..." She begins in a whisper, but he stops her with a soft smile.

"No worries. She's your queen and can speak to me however she chooses. Hopefully one day it'll be affectionate."

"Over my dead body."

Nash clears her throat, "The people love the King, I'd hesitate from making such a proclamation." Her words are sincere. A genuine respect flowing from her. It's nothing that picks my jealousy bone, just a pure adoration for a person. Like an employee that just can't get enough of their boss. My brain fuzzes, the King giving a tight laugh.

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