5 The Order of Things

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Nash woke me up at the break of dawn. As she pulled me from the brinks of hell, well sleep, I gurgled profanities and rolled my body very elegantly onto the floor. She hadn't cared in the slightest getting me through the gruesome act of crawling to the bathroom and getting in the shower. It only got weird when she tried to undress me, that's when I finally woke up. Now I stand in the bathroom like a naked mole rat trying to figure out where the towels are just after laying on the floor trying to collect my sense. Lack of food with the hot shower mixed into a horrible dizzy spell that had my bottom on the cold floor before I could get a word out. But I was able to pull myself together and move to standing, "Nash?" I finally yell into the abyss hoping that she's standing on the other side. And without a second to waste, she breaks through the door with a yodel of happiness.

            "You called and the best person around arr-ivvvedd!" She tosses her arms out in happiness, my eyes scrunching in laughter breaking the nervousness I felt being naked, "The towels aren't in the bathroom. Your lady in waiting typically helps you wash and dry."

            "I didn't..." I start to stumble through the words, she tosses a hand at me telling me it isn't the biggest thing in the world. Her hands hold a towel that she pulls around me and tucks so I'm no longer standing completely free in front of her.

            "Why would you know?" She shrugs, "I'm here to help as much as I am to teach. I'm only second to you and the King." She gives another award-winning smile. I give her a confused look. Another roll of laughter cracks through her, enticing my confusion. I don't know much on the order of things and my ignorance is being obvious, "Your face is so funny! Let me start with the basics, it'll be just enough to get you through the day. 

            "Oh yes. That made perfect sense." I scrunch my brows trying to take in the foreign words. Yes, I've read grossly overdone romance novels that showcase these titles, but I've never had to live and understand them. Now Nash stands in front of me looking as though I've something growing from my shoulder, "Can you explain in just a tad more detail?"

            "That's all you had to say!" She leads me to a closet where three dresses hang. I try not to be curious when she grabs the closet to the door holding it out, "Here it's a sundress I grabbed from the market yesterday, it should work till we get you fitted. Now, for the details. The dukes are the closest allies to the King. They rule provinces under the King's guidance, and work as leaders to the armies as needed. We currently have three Dukes. You'll meet them as the King sees fit. Then there is the Marquis, we only have one family because they grow obsolete however they are vital in the protection of our lands from enemies such as the wolves, or prying humans. We utilize their family as, what do you call them, spies?"

            "Wow. Now the Earls?" The sundress is soft against my skin. I bite back the want to spin throughout the large closet to watch the skirt flow. It's been a large amount of time since I'd been able to wear something so loose and fun. No one to impress, no need to become perfect. I haven't laid eyes on a makeup counter, nor do I want to. My skin hasn't tasted freedom in so long that I want just a day of peace, "I'm sorry I've become interested." I turn red at her cat like grin.

            "Please do your highness! It's a pleasure to teach you about our world," Ours. Such a simple way to slip into conversation that she never sees me leaving, "The Earls are dispensers of justice. They act as our police force. A great bunch, but always rowdy and never take the time to enjoy the little things. I've only met a few, but those moments were filled with crude jokes and salty personalities. The King boils it down to their atmosphere. They see the worst in people, leading to them having such a tunnel vision on the world. Viscounts collect our taxes and revenues. They are CEO's and business managers, sticky people. Unlike the earls who I would trust with my life, I wouldn't be caught dead with a viscount. They have the falsest smiles only looking for the next dollar they can collect."

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