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"Two damaged people, trying to heal each other is love." -Unknown


    My body was tangled in sheets and tangled with him, a warm feeling to wake up too. Harry and I had fell asleep late last night after getting home, showering, and talking to each other to sleep.

    I kept my position, not wanting to move or wake up sleeping Harry. I began to carefully run my fingers through his hair, softly enough so I couldn't wake him and ruin the moment.

    His face was calm and soft. He breathed slowly through his nose as his lips were pressed together. His eyelashes mixed together as his eyes were closed in deep sleep. His hand was draped around my waist as our legs crossed over each other.

    I enjoyed watching him sleep, maybe because it was so rare that I was up before him. He always had somewhere to be or something to do. Lately, it's as if he's been letting go of his strictness on himself.

    A lot about Harry has been changing. He lets his hard, boss face go a little more often. He finds himself submitting to things I want to do and listening to what I have to say, rather than doing everything himself. I appreciate and recognize his new attitude.

Even though I think I'll love every version of him

    I took a deep breath, allowing his natural scent to stick to my skin and enter my bloodstream. He always smelt so good but I could never explain how. I was always jealous because he made it seem effortless. He seemed so effortless.

    I smiled down at the sleeping man beside me and readjusted myself slightly to get a better look at him. He seemed to grip harder onto my skin, as if I was a safety blanket. I smiled at the notion and held back a string of I love you's.

    I never planned to fall in love, let alone with Harry Styles. He's the definition of royalty when it comes to our world. But come to think of it, so am I. Maybe even more so. It was as if we were bound to meet. Like it was written in the stars.

Fuck the dice

    I enjoyed quiet moments like this. Where my only thoughts were Harry. I wasn't worried about what I had to do later today, or the challenge I was going to face in the coming weeks. All I cared about was him.

    I watched as he rolled over slightly, his cheek pushing into the pillow as I giggled. His lips looked perfect against the white sheets, his whole body did. I smiled and planted a soft kiss against the top of his head.

"You're so beautiful." I whispered, confessing to both of us.

    He remained asleep and I continued to play with his hair. I danced my eyes out his windows and smiled at the sun slowly engrossing on the day. I loved the sun. It reminded me of new horizons and happiness.

    My shirt was riding up my stomach, just covering my breasts. I felt Harry's hands move to lay against my skin. His touch felt colder than ice and it sent goosebumps along my arms. I loved when he touched me, it didn't matter where.

    I continued to look out the window for several moments, just watching the sun slowly rise higher and higher. To most, it felt like watching paint dry. But to me, it felt like watching a new life born.

Like magic

    Harry moved from under me, his head beginning to shake. My sleepy head was waking up. I moved my eyes to him as my hand drifted to his back. He was in nothing but boxers, which was how he always slept.

"What time is it?" He mumbled, looking up at me to see me wide awake. I chuckled and moved my neck to see his digital clock beside his bed.

"Eight." I shrugged and began to make circles on his back. He rubbed his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair.

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