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Marisol had looked at Reese with a warning not to harm Nyall, but he only gave the healer a rather congenial warning.

Do not compel her into love with you if you aren't planning to provide, Reese had said. It is selfish, and cruel.

Initially, the healer appeared to be affronted. Angry. But even he realized that Marisol did not deserve, and couldn't afford, to move any lower below her station. When Nyall told him that he had a plan, something that could ensure Marisol's longevity, Reese didn't quite believe him.

He wasn't sure how becoming head healer at the largest infirmary in Blue Quarter would suddenly give Nyall the backing to become comfortable.

But Reese would allow him the space to try. And if he failed, Reese would have to try his best to knock sense into Marisol. He knew that she was already half-crazed for him.

Reese abandoned Nyall a long while ago. He knew Marisol would eventually drift back to the healer, and Reese preferred to pay no heed to their affair; all he sought were the servitors with the Lavendar champagne.

He had already done away with four. But what was four in the face of infinity?

Reese might have grabbed his fifth, if not for the sight of a fluid-looking Gianna aggressively speaking to a troubled-looking Drew Orvar near the stairs of the fourth ballroom. Latent ill-regard may have been the source of their altercation. 

Reese briskly walked towards the pair, and when he reached them, he could smell the imprudent aura of alcohol, the lavender kind. Gianna must have overestimated the ounces she could take.

"You think you're so much better than everyone because you're Drew Orvar, but—," Gianna was slurring over her words, but Drew simply stood there, looking fundamentally exhausted. Hollow eyes, and a yellow hue to his skin. The expression was unfamiliar on him. Drew Orvar never looked ill.

Reese gently grabbed Gianna, and prevented her from advancing further. "Gianna, dear, why don't you take a seat?"

Gianna's eyes had tears in them, and she sobbed harder, forgetting where she was. "Leave me be, Reese. Leave me—,"

But Reese handed her off to one of the guards nearby, and slid him a handsome coin, to keep Gianna out of trouble. The guard pocketed the bribe, and took a shrieking Gianna in his arms to the nearest exit.

The coin was a glamoured pastry he snagged from one of the platters, and at the end of the night, the guard would have a treat to enjoy. Reese's favorite trick; temporary, but worth it.

"Orvar, if you're going to sulk," Reese began, retrieving a champagne glass from one of the oncoming servitors, "at least do it with this in your possession." He extended the drink to him.

The boy avoided his eyes and shook his head. "No, thank you," he whispered, though it was barely audible over the roar of the ball.

Reese set the drink aside and examined Drew closer. He seemed to shiver. It was then that he knew his demeanor was not caused by Gianna. "You're in pain," Reese spoke, and for a moment, he did not recognize the dusk in his voice. It was as if his magic had forced the words out of his mouth.

Drew refused to look at him, but he stilled. "No, I'm not."

The boy—clumsy, clever, and soft-spoken was indeed in pain. He could understand that much. 

"Liar," Reese rivaled, taking a step closer. Drew took in a sharp breath. "Look at me."

A moment of Drew keeping his gaze at the staircase, then he slowly aligned it with Reese's. The clear blue of his eyes struck Reese with just the slightest amount of exuberance each time.

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