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He didn't think being king would be so hard. Any witless man could sit on a throne and order executions.

But this wasn't that. It was like being a father to millions of insufferable children who wanted to be fed, clothed, and drowned in riches all at the same time.

For days, he'd had conversations with the council about anything from the state of the country to the lake that had appeared on his wedding night. It was Thema's decision for it to be heavily guarded by Verskyian soldiers.

Thema feared the people of the palace would take advantage of such a fruitful gift. The council had no choice but to agree, even Eugene, who looked wary.

This time, Marisol joined the morning brief. Reese, too, though he looked incredibly bored as he leaned back in his chair, tapping a quill on the table.

Drew sat straight beside him, looking away from Reese when he would turn to face him. Not a word was exchanged between them.

Erik wondered what the hell Reese had done to piss off his brother.

Jared of Quellton stormed into the council room and took his seat beside Reese. "Good morning, gentleman," he announced, grinning with glee. When his eyes landed on Marisol and Thema, he added, "And ladies. I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."

"It's been an hour," Eugene said sourly.

"It's been twenty minutes," Drew corrected, sincerely. "I counted."

Eugene snarled at Jared. "Same difference. We shouldn't be waiting on you, boy. Our country is in peril."

Erik once wondered why, exactly, Jared was allowed to be a council member so young, and as he dug for the truth, he came across an interesting revelation.

Jared had royal blood in his veins, directly descended from the old king himself. A nephew of sorts. Erik was sure the councilmen knew this, which is why they had an obligation to keep him.

When the year and seven days expired, Erik wondered if his crown would belong to Jared.

"Lovely to see you, too, Eugene," Jared said, giving the man a clap on the shoulder. He turned to the table, light in his eyes. "I have news. Quellton's merchant trade has been up ten percent since Erik and Marisol were crowned. Business on the shore is booming."

The councilmen stroked their mustaches, some made sounds of approval. Eugene seemed to be in favor of such news.

"What's with the long faces?" Jared exclaimed, looking at Erik, then Drew. "This is good! Delphinia's prophecy is working."

"Quellton is the largest port in Verskyia," Drew said, carefully.

"And?" Eugene interrupted, harshly. Drew shifted in his seat, cheeks warming.

Reese removed his attention from his quill and looked to Eugene. "Let the boy finish," he warned. "I would've thought a man of your age would have learned manners by now."

A man of your age. Erik could feel the anger on Eugene. He wanted to laugh.

Eugene looked to Erik, as if asking for assistance. Tame that boy, he seemed to say with his eyes. But Erik only shrugged. He had no interest in disciplining Reese Loialai. He doubted anyone could.

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