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                         PEARLS PAINTED RED


Tomorrow was the day Reese would be officially named a Royal Court member. A thief and a liar like himself couldn't have ever imagined something so ridiculous. It would also be Marisol's wedding day, a day Reese had thought of much differently a few days ago.

And Jaak wasn't here to see it, perhaps for the best, considering Marisol would be marrying Erik Orvar. Reese had wrote Jaak last night, and sent the handwritten letter with a rider. The rider seemed to be hesitant, initially, to enter a plague-infested country like Ziralem, but once he recognized Reese, he had plucked courage from somewhere and rode off.

Night had recently fallen over the palace, prompting the illumination of torches and candles throughout the echoing hallways. Outside, the cities and villages were alight with excitement and music, awaiting coronation day. Reese was seconds from escaping and going on a full exploration of Verskyia, but he heard footsteps reverberate behind him.

He turned to find Drew, dressed in brown pants and a royal-blue jacket. His elder brother walked alongside him in a long black coat and knee-high leather boots, face taut and gait regal. It seemed as if Erik's wardrobe was spacious now that he was going to be king tomorrow.

The brothers spoke quietly, with Erik adorning a familiar scowl. Drew threw his hands up, almost in exasperation, but then seemed to wave his brother off.

Erik found Reese's attention, and stopped in front of him, expression pointed. Reese had to remind himself that they were meant to be comrades now. Not enemies.

It was just the three of them in the hollow, vast hallway, and it felt almost entirely too intimate for Reese's taste. 

"Are you doing anything tonight?" Erik asked, skimming Reese's attire keenly.

Reese looked over at Drew and rose a brow. What the hell is this?

Drew only gave a tiny smile. Reese could not have imagined the pink hue that brushed the boy's cheeks.

"Yes," Reese answered, easily. "I planned to explore the hell out of this place."

Erik gave his head a tilt, like he was trying his best to impede his temper. "You can do that another night, surely. You've got nothing but time now."

Reese couldn't quite determine the nature of what Erik was trying to get at. In fact, he was puzzled as to why both Drew and Erik were dressed in clothes much less pristine than anything Delphinia would approve of. Reese himself was dressed in a crisp brown shirt and inky black trousers. He had discarded his vest and coat somewhere between the duel this morning and lunch this afternoon.

"Where is Marisol?" Reese asked, a hollow pool suddenly growing in his stomach. He had one conversation with her at lunch, where she informed him that Erik was as insufferable as she had thought. Except, Reese knew, due to the long years they shared together, that she was keeping something from him.

Erik gave a brief glance at a small pocket watch in his left hand before tucking it away. "In our chamber, dreadfully discussing coronation precautions with Delphinia."

Reese had already observed the chaos that tomorrow's event would bring. The kitchen staff whisked up a storm while maids and servants moved furniture and flower pieces to the throne room. This hallway was the only desolate one at this hour.

"Ready to seal this prophecy tomorrow, then?" Reese asked, sounding less genuine, and more like a thoughtless bastard.

Drew looked queasy.

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