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                                FIGHT WITH ME


Thema grew suspicious at Captain Ferland's abrupt disappearance.

It was as if he had completely vanished from the castle. No one spoke of him, especially not Erik or Marisol. Thema only thought of Ferland because she was given frequent visions of him, flashes of darkness that smelled of metal and sewer.

Maybe it was for the best. His advances made her uneasy, like she couldn't possibly win against him, no matter her position, no matter her importance.

A knock sounded at her door.

At this hour?

Thema hauled herself from her cushioned seat, where she read for the better part of the night near the cracking fireplace. When she opened the door, she was met with a grinning Marisol.

The queen had abandoned her crown, dressed in black fitted pants and a matching long-sleeve shirt. Her dog, Risa, looked upon Thema with her tongue out, tail wagging excessively.

Did they run here?

Marisol's hair was tied back, bits of it framing her face. "Get dressed, friend. Preferably in pants."

A laugh burbled in Thema's throat. "What's the occasion?"

Something about Marisol's bright smile told Thema that whatever she had in store was against the rules. Severely illicit, and possibly something that would anger Delphinia.

But Marisol was Queen of Verskyia, and Thema, nor anyone else, could shun her command.

Once Thema agreed, she quickly changed into something similar to Marisol, the clothes fitting her loosely around her chest and hip area. When she opened the door once more, Marisol took her hand and led her down many corridors. Thema hadn't been aware the palace had this many.

"Marisol," Thema whispered, as she looked over her shoulder. "Where are we going?" Risa licked her hand, as if to calm her.

"You'll see," Marisol whispered back, turning one last corner. They stopped at a large frame, and when Thema looked closer, she realized it was the portrait of Erik and Marisol dressed in their wedding attire.

Erik had a gleaming sword at his side and his imperial crown atop his head. Marisol's hand, the ringed one, rested on his chest as she looked over her shoulder.

"Don't look at that too long," Marisol said.


"They got my nose all wrong," she complained, giving a frown up at the picture. "Four hours breathing the same stuffy air as Erik Orvar, all for nothing."

She said it almost in disdain, but Thema saw how Marisol smiled longingly at the portrait, as if remembering something pleasant. The barest of smiles.

After shaking her thoughts away, Marisol knocked against the stone wall beneath her portrait. A strange combination of raps. Two, then four, then one.

In silence, the wall parted like two doors. A familiar mischievous face appeared, looking at Thema in fraudulent sympathy. "She dragged you along, too? In advance, I'm sorry, sunshine."

Marisol punched him in the arm, then landed a kick to his shin with lightning speed.

Reese winced and clutched his arm. His eyes flashed. "That hurt, Marisol."

"Don't discourage her. This is important," Marisol chided, beckoning Thema over.

Thema followed the two and Risa inside, giving a long look at how the walls closed behind her. The power of the High Warlock on full display.

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