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This was home.

Ziralem's Levantica trees reigned over the country once more, plague and famine were only scars from the past. New laws made their way to the people of Ziralem, uniting them—for some, the integration laws were unfavorable, but most celebrated.

Red Quarter did not belong to half the country—it belonged to all. And Blue Quarter could serve the mouths of a nation who didn't scorn them.

The feeling of being back on familiar soil was strange, but full of unending relief. Here, he wasn't Creator Of Anything or the king's brother; he was just Drew.

Galvinus' prophecy had reached its end a few months ago. Delphinia arranged a large, nation-wide party to celebrate their departure, spending enormous funds. Jared, as the new king, had approved such expenses. He had told them that they could return to the palace as they wished.

To Quellton. Drew could see himself there again, listening to the waves crash against buttery sand.

But nothing felt like this, like the profound air produced by the Levantica Trees. Or his home, which was currently being used as a wedding venue.

Erik and Marisol would be getting married today, this time with deliberate intention. A love that was unbreakable and quite unlikely, but they were the two most powerful beings in the land, and would be useless without each other.

His mother's bottom floor and vast patio outside were used by guests—Red and Blue—who chattered animatedly about Marisol. Speculation about her gown, about her power.

Drew watched as the pre-festivities went on, searching for a face he knew blindly. When he found him, his abdomen still did that odd, warm tumble. Wine hair and a charming smile.

Reese Loialai had an audience with Drew's parents in the kitchen. He said something quietly, leaning in covertly. Drew's mother laughed her head off, then covered her mouth as if remembering herself. His father was harder to impress, but with slight astonishment, Drew realized that he was smiling.

He clapped Reese on the shoulder, chuckling. His father said something to him that sounded like approval. Drew's mother turned to fretting with Reese's collar, dotingly, a pretty smile on her red lips.

Reese turned his head to meet Drew's eyes, without having to search. He smirked smugly, as if telling Drew, told you they'd like me.

It was true, Reese Loialai could charm anyone, foe or friend.

Drew was about to walk over there and stop his mother's doting, but a few finely dressed young women swarmed him. Reds, from his year in school.

He hadn't attended a class in quite sometime, and he even began to wonder if it was worth attending anymore.

"Good evening, Drew," one of the girls chirped, smiling. The drink in her hand was half empty.

Drew returned her smile, but didn't say anything. He knew they only wanted to pry. This was why he'd told his mother not to invite the entirety of her social circle—but she insisted on showing off 'Erik's beautiful bride'.

Some habits died hard, and some didn't die at all. His mother was ever the socialite.

"Is it true you and Fenton are still together?" the girl said, eyes wide, lips pink. 

Drew's heart sunk. He hadn't heard that name in so long, but he knew it'd always find a dark place in his mind to fester in.

"No one has seen him in quite a few months," the girl beside her said, chewing the inside of her lip, thoughtfully. Purple dress. "I think it's strange."

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