The Storm Rider

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Desert, Sekumea Desert, Old World

Day breaks in the east, turning the sky from black to a mixture of yellows and pinks, making the dawn of a new day in the desert, while the rising sun forces the surrounding rock formations to cast long shadows across the sands, giving the barren landscape an off-putting atmosphere. Many of the area's nocturnal animals quickly retreat into the many caves, cliffs, and burrows which are dotted throughout these lands, knowing that soon enough the hot weather will be elevated to some truly scorching degrees.

As the surface quickly begins baking in the increasing temperatures, stragglers either speed up in their search for shade or cook under the sun's unforgiving rays, ultimately dying from heat exhaustion. But while some monsters risk burning in the oppressive heat, others have evolved unique adaptations which allow them to withstand the burning light.

But no matter how poorly or well adapted the inhabitants of the desert are, a gentle breeze from the north is a welcomed relief for all; however, one monster knows that this wind will soon become a greater threat than the blazing temperatures, for it's the beginning of something bigger. Cyclone, an adult Kushala Daora, can feel that the weather is about to take a major turn.

From atop the cliff he's been resting on, Cyclone's sensitive, horn-like organs on his head can feel the wind pressure and humidity at work in the air around it, allowing him to somewhat predict the weather

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From atop the cliff he's been resting on, Cyclone's sensitive, horn-like organs on his head can feel the wind pressure and humidity at work in the air around it, allowing him to somewhat predict the weather. For the past few days, the elder dragon has been tracking a distant thunderstorm which is increasing the region's wind speed, which will cause a sandstorm to develop over a wide area; however, the Kushala Daora isn't fleeing since this is what he's been waiting for.

The Kushala Daora knows what storms are capable of, and as experience has taught him, prey is at its most vulnerable during such awful weather conditions. For his entire life, Cyclone, along with many other members of his species, has been following storms for this exact reason.

Feeling the air pressure rising, Cyclone glides down from his perch and flies into a ravine, away from shelter against the sun's rays and the coming storm. Upon landing, the Kushala Daora begins walking between the canyon walls, his ventral pockets expelling blasts of air every few seconds to spread out the pheromones created by his scent glands, announcing his presence to any nearby animal.

As he continues to move through the gulch, Cyclone hears what sounds like something splashing echo off the canyon walls. A potential sign of water, the elder dragon continues walking until he comes across a small pond hidden within the cliffs; however, as he approaches, the Kushala Daora is cautious, seeing he's not alone. Sticking out of the fluid are the fins of a Plesioth.

 Sticking out of the fluid are the fins of a Plesioth

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