Reaching for the Heavens

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Ruined Pinnacle, Island District, Old World

A full moon shines down on the mountainous seaside landscape, its silvery glow reflecting off the undulating waves. Whilst the water repeatedly batters the rocky coastline at sea level, the small island's geological formations reach high into the sky, with some of the peaks impossible to see as they disappear into the clouds.

Located on these colossal mountains are the desolate ruins of an ancient civilization now long gone, the crumbling monuments little more than part of the terrain. Across the area that once housed these mysterious people, the trees, grains, and other types of plants they cultivated have become feral, eventually taking over the peaks and attracting wildlife that would normally never be found at such high altitudes. Aiding this vegetation in its growth are the many rivers, waterfalls, and lakes washing over the region, created because of burst dykes and overflowed canals. This oasis in the sky may seem like a paradise; however, the reality is this place is still very dangerous.

Galeforce winds, unstable terrain, thick cloud cover, and steep drops are all major threats to anything living in these mountains, with many meeting their ends through these dangers. The area may provide life to the organisms inhabiting it, but it can also take it away in a second. To survive in these lands, all lifeforms must be incredibly resilient, and one species is especially well-designed to take on this environment's challenges.

High above the terrain in the midnight sky, a scarlet comet rushes across it, its long, red, glowing tail trailing behind as it moves at tremendous speeds. The phenomenon moves closer to the mountains before passing over them, but suddenly, it turns itself around and dives down to the tallest peak in the range. As the object gets closer to the fast-approaching ground, the meteorite slows before pulling out and tilting a pair of wings up, letting the six streaks of pure dragon energy that keep the being stable dissipate once it reaches the earth. Having safely landed on the rocky peak, Comet, an adult female Valstrax, scans her surroundings as she folds her flexible wings back into their resting position.

 Having safely landed on the rocky peak, Comet, an adult female Valstrax, scans her surroundings as she folds her flexible wings back into their resting position

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Unlike the wings of most flying animals, Comet's end as highly modified hands rather than a single elongated finger. Just like those of her ancestors, the Valstrax's wrists can rotate thanks to the ball-and-socket joint, allowing her hands to be at any angle with little to no discomfort. Though her fingers aren't as flexible since they lack ball-and-socket joints, and the membranes between them restrict their movements, she's still able to move the base of each digit independently. Although a seemingly insignificant feature, it actually plays some big roles in her nomadic life, such as helping steer while flying or be used as weapons when fighting.

Stretching her wings and body, Comet unleashes a powerful shrieking roar, the sound echoing off the stone mountains and throughout the range, making her presence known to all in the area. Having spent hours in the air flying non-stop, the Valstrax is understandably tired from her long traversal; scratching the rocky ground with her powerfully built forelimbs, the elder dragon eventually lays down and makes herself comfortable, yawning before falling asleep on top of the colossal mountain.

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