Eternal Hunger

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Heaven's Mount, Siki Country, Old World

Powerful winds howl as they rush across the vast mountain range which dominates Siki, causing the unstable landscape to shift as the titanic roots holding up some parts are moved around. Chunks of stones fall from the rocky landscape as the midnight windstorm grows stronger by the minute, making the area even more hazardous than before.

The racket created by the environment at this moment is truly deafening, with the event drowning out all but the loudest of sounds. Clouds are continually moved around by the galeforce winds; this in turn constantly alters the region's visibility, with some areas being very clear, whilst others are shrouded in a thick and near impenetrable veil of mist.

Life on and around Heaven's Mount is very hard; the constantly changing environment makes certainty impossible here, forcing organisms to keep adapting to the landscape's unpredictability. Suddenly, bolts of lightning erupt from within a cluster of storm clouds, unleashing mighty blasts of thunder. As flashes of light periodically illuminate the surrounding region, they reveal a bloody trail along the mountainside. With another blast of light, the storm illuminates a heavily injured Shah Dalamadur. Pulling itself over the landscape, the colossal elder dragon leaves behind more of its blood as the fluids pour out of the gaping wounds in its body.

Having recently shed its old skin, this individual would have usually stayed underground to let its new hide harden, and in staying cool, accelerate the process

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Having recently shed its old skin, this individual would have usually stayed underground to let its new hide harden, and in staying cool, accelerate the process. However, with the breeding season for Dalamadurs happening now, it took the risk of coming out early to mate, thinking it would be worth it; unfortunately for the Shah Dalamadur, this was a big mistake. While it was trying to court another member of its species, it was attacked by a rival. Caught off guard, the Sha Dalamadur was horrifically mauled and barely managed to escape, left in critical condition. As the elder dragon pulls itself across the mountain, its vision becomes blurry as the continuous blood loss takes a toll.

Starting to blackout, the colossal animal loses its grip and slips down the rocky slopes. Tumbling for a bit, the Shah Dalamadur's body finally comes to rest on a flatter part of the mountainside. Letting out a deafening crash upon landing, the death of the elder dragon awakens many of the species in the surrounding region, and soon, it provides them with a rare feast.


The sun starts rising over the fractured sea of clouds and towering peaks, its presence turning the sky a blueish-yellow and chasing off the darkness of night. As rays shine down upon the landscape, the tallest of mountains create enormous shadows, building a tapestry of light and darkness.

As sun rays seep through the shifting cloud cover, creating brief spots of light in the sea of shade, a large shadow moves across one of the illuminated areas. Moving under the shaft, Tyrant, an adult female Deviljho, sniffs the air as she searches for any signs of something she can eat, the sunlight revealing the scars covering her entire body as she emerges from the shade.

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