Monsterous Mother

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Lava Caverns, Erude District, Old World

A deep rumbling rips across the volcanic landscape as yet another tremor hits the region, causing a small rock slide to occur on one of the massive, active volcanoes in the immediate vicinity. The clattering boulders rush down the slopes before crashing into the coastal waters. Just as quickly as they began, the quakes abruptly end, though this does little to make the environment seem any more hospitable, as plumes of smoke cover the sky and streams of molten rock flow over the scarred and ashen plateaus.

Despite the seeming emptiness of the area, the air around it is filled with a cacophony: from the rumbles of the volcanos to the splash of waves crashing against the solid rock to the insistent howling of the winds coming in from the sea, and finally the hissing steam created as lava and water meet. All of these sounds are repeatedly and randomly punctuated by the unpredictable tremors caused by the tectonic activity, its slow and unseen movements one of the primary forces in the landscape's terraforming.

From behind the ragged formations, the light from the morning sun barely manages to penetrate the ash-filled sky. This combination creates a haze that quickly envelopes the volcanic terrain. The grayish-white fumes hover over the land while the orange glow of lava forms splashes of color, breaking the monotony of the scorching surroundings.

As the sun keeps rising, the few plant species capable of surviving in this harsh climate immediately begin soaking in the rays, every shred of light prolonging their lifespan, even if it is just for a few more moments. An extensive network of roots burrows through the hard ground, searching for any freshwater that can be absorbed to strengthen themselves, while the nutrient-rich volcanic soil keeps them alive despite the difficulties of living in such a landscape.

Even though this region is capable of supporting decently large flora, and the sea winds manage to keep the region cooler than most parts of Erude, the lava caverns are still very hostile towards anything trying to eke out a living here. Not even the massive networks of caves spread throughout the area can provide refuge for the wildlife. The tremors, the potential flooding of seawater, and the magma flows still pose a danger to anything that isn't careful.

Yet despite all these challenges, life has not been stopped from colonizing the environment. Due to the demise of an ancient elder dragon in the area, the lava caverns are drenched in gargantuan amounts of bioenergy; this allows a variety of life forms to survive here, with the substance even empowering them once it enters their systems.

Only the hardiest and most adaptable can inhabit this volcanic coastline, but this doesn't mean that the land is populated with incredibly powerful creatures. Some are actually much more humble in both their appearance and abilities. As smog is moved around the terrain by the seaside winds, a small form skitters across the rugged landscape, climbing over large rocks and between short shrubs before moving over to the mound of a cave. Entering the subterranean network, a male Rakna-Kadaki scuttles through the rocky tunnel, its walls having been carved by magma, water, and tectonic upheaval. Continuing to move deeper down into the volcanic earth's depths, the small temnoceran continues following an alluring scent until it eventually enters a large chamber where some Rachnoids are scurrying about.

 Continuing to move deeper down into the volcanic earth's depths, the small temnoceran continues following an alluring scent until it eventually enters a large chamber where some Rachnoids are scurrying about

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