Lord of the Seas

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Deserted Island, Island District, Old World

The sun rises over the archipelago known as the Island District, its presence chasing away the darkness and turning the once-black, cloudless sky into a masterpiece of purples, deep pinks, orangey yellows, and pale blues. As the light hits the water, it causes the sea to sparkle, giving it an ethereal appearance, and adding to the beauty of this morning.

Waves crash against the rocks and cliffs of Moga Island, continuously chipping away at the stone and ruins that reside for the most part beneath the waves. It is this unstoppable force that has carved out the many caves, tunnels, vertical drops, and smooth stone beaches which are found throughout the coastline.

With the help of both warm and cold oceanic currents which bring vital nutrients to the archipelago, the waters around the deserted island and its neighbors are teaming with life, supporting an incredible variety of aquatic lifeforms. Whether it be the many species of Tuna or the incredibly rare and mysterious Ceadeus, the area is more than capable of supporting any type of animal; even those that lack aquatic capabilities can profit from the sea's bounty, either feeding off beached carcasses or actively diving into this alien world. Even the landmass' vegetation benefits from the decomposing corpses of sea creatures that are dragged inland and provide the plants with otherwise inaccessible nutrients.

The ocean may provide life to all the inhabitants of this landmass, but it can just as easily take it away. Those who aren't prepared to confront the ocean's power risk being swept away by large waves or smashed into rocks and dragged under by the mighty currents. They may also encounter and become victims of the rulers of the deep. Even for those who are perfectly adapted to life at sea, this deceptively hostile environment can still pull the unwary to a watery grave. Due to the sea's unpredictability, many of the animals that aren't fully aquatic still rest on land. Even top-holder carnivores prefer the safer and slightly more reliable coastline when it comes to sleeping, and Spark, a young bull Lagiacrus, is no different.

Sprawled out across the stone beach, the massive leviathan is woken by the morning light hitting his eyes; however, he doesn't mind and starts basking in the warm rays

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Sprawled out across the stone beach, the massive leviathan is woken by the morning light hitting his eyes; however, he doesn't mind and starts basking in the warm rays. Although gigantothermy doesn't make this specific behavior necessary for him to start moving, Spark still enjoys the feeling. Once he's done basking, Spark finally opens his eyes and takes in his surroundings. Getting up, he begins pulling his large body over the beach and towards the crystalline water, ready to begin his day.

As the Lagiacrus reaches the water's edge and places his feet into the ocean, he looks at the glistening surface, searching for any potential threats that may be lurking in the depths. Spark may have reached sexual maturity, making him an adult, but he hasn't yet attained a size where he would be immune to predation for the most part.

He may have outgrown most of his old enemies such as Royal Ludroths and Gobuls, but he's still small enough for Plesioths to see him as prey that's not too dangerous to tackle; however, the biggest threat to Spark's survival is another member of his species. Seen as a rival by other Lagiacrus bulls, he'd be lucky if the larger and older males only chase him off; however, the more likely outcome is that they would maul him or even try to kill him if they managed to catch him. Luckily for the young leviathan, everything appears to be clear and he enters the ocean, closing his nostrils to prevent the water from entering his respiratory system.

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