19. Conversacion

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Third person POV:
In the morning, Jeongguk was shocked not to have Taehyung beside him, and the bed was rather cold which means Taehyung got up long ago. Jeongguk lowly called Taehyung two-three times, but no answer came to greet his ears. So he woke up, got freshened up. Jeongguk noticed, Taehyung's phone is also resting on the side table.
Taehyung wasn't in the kitchen too, nor the kids in their room. Jeongguk again called them three's name. "Hyunie baby? Ri? Where are you? Where is your ma? Tae?" Jeongguk searched the house. Panic began to settle in his guts. In this early morning where his family can be? And this is a foreign land too!
"TAEHYUNG? HONEY?", Jeongguk kept searching. Maybe they're in the garden? Frantically he went out to search, negative. The pool, not there too. Then Jeongguk ran to the backyard, there's a pond and some bushes there. Maybe they went to see it?
Rushing there Jeongguk didn't see them there, he was about to panic more. Did someone kidnap his children and wife? Jeongguk can't, he just can't think anything. He fell down on his knees shivering only by the thought even.
Tae-ri: PAPAAA

Jeongguk's neck snapped, he started looking for the source of sound. His princess just called him! He didn't hear wrong, he didn't. Jeongguk with eyes looked around, and finally found his family. They were on the other side of the pond. Hyunie and Tae-ri giggling at him, while Taehyung just kept looking.

Jeongguk was searching for ways to reach them. How these naughty babies went to the other side. To his utter surprise, Taehyung started kayaking the small boat towards Jeongguk's end. So that's how, Taehyung rowed the babies to the other side. The tension, blood pressure of Jeongguk lowered seeing his children safe.
Taehyung finally reached him, helping the babies to get down without hurting. Tae-ri ran to her papa, followed by Hyunie. A guard came to secure the boat after Taehyung.
Jeongguk clasped the children in his hug, the scare he got because of 30 minutes of not knowing their whereabouts. Kissing the babies, he didn't even let them talk. Finally he looked at Taehyung standing there, getting up with two babies on lap, Jeongguk went near Taehyung.
Jeongguk: Tae! I was so scared, did the naughty babies made you do it?

Taehyung: why were you scared?

Jeongguk: because I didn't see any of you after waking up. I thought......

Taehyung: you thought what?

Jeongguk: something bad might have happened to you, our children

Taehyung: what kind of bad actually?

Jeongguk: I mean........ whatever

Taehyung: *scoffing* huh, whatever!

Tae-ri: papa, mwe mommy Hyunie pway mammaid, mommy mammaid,otay? Mwe Hyunie fwish, gwood fwish

Jeongguk: oh my god! My baby knows everything! Did you all enjoy without papa? Please please play with me, please Tae-ri. Please Hyunie.

Tae-ri: nwo papa, we pway. ywou fwish. Mommy pwerty mammaid.

Hyun-woo: mama mamaidh

Jeongguk: your mommy is very pretty! I agree. Did Hyunie play too,baby?

Hyunie: yeshh papa

Jeongguk: okay, let's have our breakfast first? I will hear everything my babies did today. Tae?

Taehyung wasn't there, while Jeongguk was talking with the kids, he left. Now that Jeongguk thinks about it, Taehyung actually seemed a bit off. What happened? With the talkative children, Jeongguk made his way inside where Taehyung is serving their breakfast. Putting the children in their selective places, Jeongguk sat down beside Taehyung.
Jeongguk: are you upset,tae?

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