12 boy/girl

688 15 11

It was almost time for Gabby and Matt to find out the gender... They walked into the ultrasound room, and the doctor said tht the gender was...

To vote, type in comments, G for girl, and the # in front of the name, to vote for the name. B for boy, and the # in front of the name to vote for the name.
Example: G#3 or B#2


1. Jennifer Kelly Casey
2. Leslie Shay Casey
3. Shay Leslie Casey
4. Michelle Morgan Casey
5. (You give me a name with your vote.)
6. Gabriela Dawson II


1. Dawson Mike Casey
2. James (Jamie) Jacob Casey
3. Alec Jonas Casey
4. Samuel Nicholas Casey
5. (You give me a name with your vote.)
6. Matthew Casey II

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