Im not who you'll want me to be

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"What are you going to do to him?!" I shouted at Andrew for the thousands time that week.

My necklace began to burn against my skin. My anger welled up on my like an active volcano. The room was rushed with gust of winds as people were thrown against walls and out doors. Mark and Bay were the only two standing. Both had attempted to calm me and failed.

"We'll do with him what is done with all villains we are able to capture! There's no way around it." Andrew yelled into the wind.

"There is. There always is!" I wailed. I didn't yell at my boss a week to revive that answer.

"Calm down. Please!" Shouted Mark.

The wind slowly died. My hands were shaking and my knees buckled. The regular protocol for a captured villain is to torture the evil being. tortures unimaginable to the everyday human. This is a supposed way to get valuable information. After that is completed the villain is stripped of the powered in the most painful way possible. It's detached from their soul. That is now Mark's job.

"I want to see him."

"No." Stated Emerald Eyes.

"I'll rephrase it for you. I'm going to see him. Who wants to try and stop me!" I shouted, turning to face the room. "Huh? No one? Big surprise."

"Don't be stupid," laughed Emerald Eyes. "Do you think he'll want to see you! He's been betrayed by you. To his nemesis! All Reuben feels is pain. What if he attacks you?!"

"I can stop him! I have my necklace now. He wouldn't dare..."



The air cooled as I descended to the basement holding chambers. Moans and screams of bloody-murder echoed of the walls and scratched my ears like nails on a chalk board. Goose bumps rested on my arms and my teeth threatened to chatter. Then I reached his cell.

My Night Rider's costume now seamed like an enemy to me. It had ruined my life. First it threw me into a world of villains and horrid crimes. Then it drug me down to destroying my best friend. I broke him.

"You." He spat as I crouched down to eye level with him. His sapphire eyes were dull and empty. His hair was dirty and matted up in places. He looked dreadfully thin and his black clothes could barely keep a mouse warm. Much less a grown boy.

" "

"Come to mock me? Come to off me?"

"Never!" I almost squealed. I fake coughed. "I just wanted to relay a message."

"Relay away, freak!"

"It's from Mat."

His muscles became less tense and he leaned in. Murderous eyes searched every inch of my exposed face. Seconds dragged on and I felt myself begin to sweat.
Then he replied.

"Alright. I'll listen."

I took a shaky breath before I began. "Reu. I'm sorry I was t able to help you. Why you did this I do not know, but I intend to find out. I won't be allowed to visit you. So I've asked Night Rider to ensure your safety.
No matter what we'll always be best friends. I promise I'll never stop fighting for you.
With love,
Mat. "

I glanced over at him. His face was solum at first, then he bags bro cry. "She still cares..."

"Why wouldn't she?" I inquired. Upset to see my friend in so much pain.

"Everything I've put her through! It's a miracle she still want to be near me. Gosh... I love her."

My eyes nearly popped out of my mask.


"Yeah! Love. Ever heard of it?  She's just to amazing not to."

I bent down next to him. "I'm sorry-"

" No!" He roared. "You can't be. All you feel in victory, glory and fame. Us villains struggle to survive! True some of us are absolutely insane but not all!"

"Is that what you think!?" I asked a bit enraged.

"Of course! That's all you powered freaks care about!"

I scoffed, "That's a lie!"

" You hypocritical piece of 'self-   ' trash!" Reuben jumped to his feet.

"You! Your what's standing in my way! Mat and I's way!"

I didn't see it coming. He lurched at me. My guard was down and I didn't give myself anytime to think. The sting of a hand burned into my skin. And off flew my mask.

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