Twin trouble

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There they where. My two greatest enemies. Crashing my diner! Reuben and I ran into the scene but was held back due to the rubble flying everywhere. The twins were using their telekinesis to demolish the little joint. The place was like a second home to me and the owner even knew about my secret identity.

"I'm going to call the police,"I said to Reuben.He nodded.

I raced to the nearest enclosed area and opened up my pocket-watch. I was immediately changed into tight black bluejeans ,black combat boots and navy blue shirt with lace long sleeves and sparkles on the front. My mask resembled that of a warriors. It was metallic and had medieval look to it. At the center of my fore head was a blue gem to show power. My weapon was a small silver ring on my pinkie of my right hand. Any weapon I desire will appear.

I raced back to find Reuben had left. Probably out of fear in the situation. That's when I noticed a new figure had joined the Twins. As I tried to sneak toward them my foot hit something. Reuben's phone!

" Well well, look who came to join us ," called Lila the blond twin.

" It's the super ... hero... thing," said Lolo. The black haired twin.

" That's Night Rider to you," I growled. "Now... where's Reu... the owner to this phone ?"

"Oh him he's fine," the new figure spoke. "As long as you cooperate."

This figure had on fool black clothes and a black cloak. His mask was white with hints of cream that seamed to dance and swirl. He moved closer to me. Soon he was close enough I can feel his hot steamy breath on my fore head.

"Name?" I asked.

"Rotted. Don't forget it?"

"With breath like yours? Hard to."

He pulled back his arm prayed to strike but as he brought it down I grab interested behind his back. He began to gasp in pain.

"I don't know who you are or where you from, but don't let me catch you again," I snarled looking into his sapphire eyes.


"Oh and say hello to your friend Mat for me?" he said as he disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Not likely!

As I ran back to the diner the Twins were gone. I quickly changed and headed back out with Reuben's phone. But ,come to see, he found me first.

"Are you okay!" he said practically choking me.

"Yess..." I wheezed.

" Oh sorry yeah. Let's head to the park," he said as the cops arrived. Then I realized. I never answered my call from HQ.

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